Tapatalk update - not receiving alerts!

Anyone else experiencing this problem:

Since the last Tapatalk update on my iPhone I no longer receive Tapatalk alerts for private messages, subscribed threads/topics. In fact no alerts whatsoever.

I've checked alerts are switched on in the App and in the App settings on the iPhone.

Any ideas anyone?
I suggest to uninstall and install the earlier version 4.9.5
After that version Tapastalk shot themselves in foot with a big mix of poor usability and buggy interface. You can download the old version from apkmirror.co.uk
I've just reinstalled latest version and your post has just popped up as an alert so I'll keep an eye on things and if it was a one off I'll take a look at the earlier version you mention - thanks Shemen
I uninstalled the new version when they messed the layout up and went back to Tapatalk Pro 4.6.2. That was the last version of Pro (well the last version i had in Titanium Backup) before it all went into one version.
Same here, still on Pro. Their update to standard Tapatalk was complete cacky-poo. I was having issues viewing pictures on Pro and the developers told me to delete it as soon as possible and download the new version.
I have been having an ongoing discussion with the team on the issues, including absolutely hating the layout of it. They were not keen on my feedback but is that not the point?
There are so many bugs with the new one that I just deleted it and reverted to Pro. If it were not for this platform, I would not be on any forums.
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