The Ashes

England managed to bat out the remaining time. A test is only 5 days long no matter how may rain delays you have. Australia needed to take all the wickets to win before England matched their total, even a small lead was enough for England to draw. England didn't win as their wasn't enough time for Australia to have their second innings so the test is declared a draw.

In short we were saved by the rain, as usual.
Well thats it all over!!!

Congratulations to the England team. For some reason I like to support the England cricket team, sometimes the football team but never the England rugby team :lol:

But the Ashes as a great sporting occassion to be enjoyed by all? It was not there this time. It needs to be back on terrestrial TV, where everyone can watch it for free.
I'm not much of a cricket fan although a friend plays regularly. The excitement of the Ashes leaves me somewhat bemused given that the same two teams contest it; no qualifiers, no group stages, no knock-outs, just the same two teams.
There is a rule in Wales.
A real Welshman doesn't care who does it so long as someone beats the English.
Anyway well done.
The ultimate challenge for this Country though I think would be to win the Americas Cup. We've never actually won it despite trying since the mid 1800s. We've got the best sailors in the world. How hard can it be.
Flatfish said:
There is a rule in Wales.
A real Welshman doesn't care who does it so long as someone beats the English.

Same here in Scotland - they even have a name for the team - ABE (anyone but England)

However since the Scots tend to hit the self-destruct button when they're odds-on to win anything it's always a giggle as an ex-pat Englishman, even the varying nationality of Andy Murray amuses me - all the time he's winning he's "British", as soon as he loses he becomes "the Scot"
the varying nationality of Andy Murray amuses me - all the time he's winning he's "British", as soon as he loses he becomes "the Scot"[/quote]

Yes we've noticed that here to.

I must say if I represented Britain in a sporting event, and I won. I would have great difficulty standing there listening to God Save the Queen as I have always regarded it as the English Anthem.
The Scottish anthem has a really nice tune. The best anthem in the UK I would say. The Welsh anthem I'm not particularly keen on. Perhaps this should be our anthem. Hope you like it. Hope it works

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I work in the town featured 45 seconds in.
I can't grasp the 'ABE' mind set at all.

If, for example, England get knocked out of a competition and Scotland/Wales/Ireand are still in it, I root for those teams, and don't want to see their opponents winning.

Same locally. In this area we have 2 football teams, Stoke City and Port Vale. Now, I was born and raised as a Vale fan, but that doesn't mean that I'm hoping Stoke get beaten every Saturday afternoon (unless they play PV, which is unlikely as they're at opposite ends of the league!)

IanM said:
If, for example, England get knocked out of a competition and Scotland/Wales/Ireand are still in it, I root for those teams, and don't want to see their opponents winning.

Same locally. In this area we have 2 football teams, Stoke City and Port Vale. Now, I was born and raised as a Vale fan, but that doesn't mean that I'm hoping Stoke get beaten every Saturday afternoon (unless they play PV, which is unlikely as they're at opposite ends of the league!)


This is a great attitude to have and should be applauded.

I think the ABE attitude is something genetic which affects the other countries in the UK. It seems that the English are immune to this condition.
IanM said:
I can't grasp the 'ABE' mind set at all.

Ahaaaa! You must be an Englishman then :lol:

I do admit though that there are those who take the 'ABE' thing a bit too far. And it tends to be those who know little or nothing about the sport in question and don't normally follow the sport :roll:

Rugby has a lot to teach. I remember watching a six nations match in an Edinburgh bar, Scotland and someone else playing. In our group was me (Norn Irish), My 2mates (Scottish parents, born Norn Iron) and their wives, one Scottish, one Welsh, some Scots and two English blokes. We all had a ball as did the very mixed selection of Nationalities and supporters in the bar, singing, cheering and joking. There was a bit of witty slagging but nothing poisonous or serious, which tends to be the case with football (and I speak as one who attends all football home internationals for Norn Iron).
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