The secrecy around brushes.

Hitchin, Herts
There seems to be a lot of secrecy and cloak and dagger stuff surrounding brush manufacture.
For instance Rooney don't have a website and aren't exactly shouting about their history from the rooftops, for such a historic and well known make, to have a corporate profile that's almost non-existent seems strange. At the same time retailers such as Truefitt and Hill and Penhaligons seem like they'd rather kill you than tell you who makes their brushes. And then last year, I got the impression from Mister Simpson of this parish that sort of hinted at some horridness in his business that didn't bear asking about but I gathered the company had pretty much died out a while back.

Is it a secretive business for a reason? Are animal rights loonies a possible driving force?
I sometime get the feeling that all knots are made in one factory and then just shipped to speciality handle shops for finishing.
I Think what you really need when your looking for a good quality brush is someone like the guys on this site that will either make a custom brush for you or they find someone that can be trusted to made them for resale. This whole china thing and quality vs price just confuses me.
There is definitely too much secrecy regarding how and where brushes are made. Some companies will show photos of their factories and processes without batting an eyelid, whereas some just hope they won't get asked the question again. I don't know what the big deal is with showing the inside of your factory or single garage workshop where brushes are made - its not like they are all covers for illegal nuclear missile facilities for the Iranian Government (or are they?!).
Yes there has always been pressure from Animal Rights regarding the materials used in brush making but as said those pressures have been there for many years.
Personally I think a lot of the secrecy is down to how each 'company' makes their brushes and where the brushes are actually made. And before the question is asked/comment is made I class the IOM as part of England!
I don't class 'assembling' brushes from components made in China and then delivered to the UK as 'handmade in england' - but hey, that's just my take on the phrase.
I agree that the custom brush makers on the forum are much more open - some of the more 'well known' volume makers should take a leaf out of their book and give an insight into how they actually make the brushes they sell off the back of their 'master brushmaker' titles that seem to get bandied about so freely on the forums.

As a Twitter user, and follower of @AESimpson1919 , I'm always surprised other major makers aren't more 'approachable' as Mark Watterson and the Simpsons crew.
Surely having a presence can't be bad for business?!
Thanks - Our open door & social networking policy has certainly brought added benefit to our business. Not only in sales, but general communication with the customer - that is what this industry is all about.

Yes, we exist to make a profit - what company doesn't? However, my staff and I are deeply rooted & committed to ensuring Simpson & Vulfix customers become fans for life ... That is only achieved by an enormous amount of hard work & passion.


Perished said:
As a Twitter user, and follower of @AESimpson1919 , I'm always surprised other major makers aren't more 'approachable' as Mark Watterson and the Simpsons crew.
Surely having a presence can't be bad for business?!
Mark Watterson said:
However, my staff and I are deeply rooted & committed to ensuring Simpson & Vulfix customers become fans for life ... That is only achieved by an enormous amount of hard work & passion.

You're certainly achieving your aims in my view Mark.

My brush collection is fast becoming uniquely made up of Simpsons brushes; they work for me so much better on all levels than any other brushes I've tried. :)
Thank you - it's sincerely appreciated :)

ajc347 said:
Mark Watterson said:
However, my staff and I are deeply rooted & committed to ensuring Simpson & Vulfix customers become fans for life ... That is only achieved by an enormous amount of hard work & passion.

You're certainly achieving your aims in my view Mark.

My brush collection is fast becoming uniquely made up of Simpsons brushes; they work for me so much better on all levels than any other brushes I've tried. :)
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