"The West Wing" TV show

I'm utterly hooked on this box set. I've watched so much of it that I'm beginning to think I have a better understanding of American thinking (being sucked into the propaganda).

I'd love to hear from our American members about the show. Does it reflect American thinking at all? Is it regarded as Federal propaganda or does it reflect the true state of affairs? Which of you is in love with Donna? CJ? Josh? Charlie?

It's not too rude about the Brits except our politicians/Government so that part is OK.
Great series. Loved every minute of it, totally absorbing and a great cast.

If you enjoyed this check out House of Cards on Netflix - great TV and bit more serious than West Wing but just as gripping.
I'm on series 5 of the sky box set in about a month. It's beilliant but as it goes on watching so much in a oner its getting samey.

The late john spencer is brilliant
For me, WW is the best tv series made. After that comes Sapronos, Breaking Bad, The Wire etc. But in my opinion the WW is in a class of its own. Actually watched the series twice, once by myself and a second time with my wife. That Joshua Lyman character is just legendary!
Yes, really liked West Wing though didn't see all the episodes at the time so I've been meaning to look out for the boxset. Martin Sheen said the crew and cast were Democrats so maybe it was more representative of the Clinton years than the Dubya administration :). Be interesting to hear what the American members think.
Big danger of docudrama series like this, for me anyway, is that our own politicos start trying to model themselves on what is a high quality, well and tightly scripted fictional product. I can just see the Blair team sitting round watching it in their westminster bubble ordering in pizza & trying to eat chinese takeaways with chopsticks all the time really just feeding their egos.

But yes, it was right up there with Sopranos & The Shield for me in terms of great escapism.

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/
A by-product of this thread is suggestions for my next TV fix. I like a good box-set because it can be watched in blocks of episodes and all the ads have been removed. The cats are mounting neglect protests while I'm watching West Wing and are downright belligerent before meal times!
Bechet45 said:
gazza said:

but they only made 3 series :(

Can't find Borgen in Netflix or Sky. Where is it showing, please?

Its been on BBC4 the last few years but the last season was last winter.

tell Farage that this is what you call a European politician :)


There are rumors of a 4th series but they are trying to work out how to make a constitutional monarchy that usually results in coalition government "relevant" to the yanks...FFS!
Love WW. Watched them all as they were aired in the UK, and then the box sets, all at least 3 times, with some faves many more times.
That's how you write a first episode! The main character doesn't even appear until about three quarters of the way through the episode, and then what an entrance!
Good acting, well written, beautifully shot. Great stuff in the main, wobbles a bit in S5, but boy does it pick up.
Tried WW but didn't grab me and gave up after a few episodes, though did like most of the other shows mentioned.

For other shows I'd recommend Entourage (had it for ages before getting round to watching it, then watched all seasons back to back) and The Newsroom (don't understand why I never see people recommend one of the best shows in recent years, well I highly recommend it) .
masmgrif said:
Love WW. Watched them all as they were aired in the UK, and then the box sets, all at least 3 times, with some faves many more times.
That's how you write a first episode! The main character doesn't even appear until about three quarters of the way through the episode, and then what an entrance!
Good acting, well written, beautifully shot. Great stuff in the main, wobbles a bit in S5, but boy does it pick up.

im sure the news room is the same people who made west wing
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