Thinking about picking up a vintage Gillette razors

This is a belated gift from my wife for my birthday and I did not know how much to spend as my wife waiting until pay day this week to give me my present (we had a boiler break on us and the car needed some sorting out) so we where a little short.

Note that I did not know the going rate either.

I acutally always shop to a budget and get sometimes a mixture of mainly run of the mill stuff and sometime the odd treat.

Had a lovely chat with frenchblade, aka Max.

He has been kind enough to give me a fantasti offer (thanks again) and I actually have order two razors.

Not as I wanted to spend a fortune, but because this is a gift from my wife to me. As she wanted me to have both.

Hope that all makes sense?

Looking forward to the delievery of the razors. :cool:

Over all I have a lovely wife that supports my habbit! :lol: and thanks to the great advice given to me in this forum.

Now what blades do you recommend?

Many thanks
rwoodcock01 said:
This is a belated gift from my wife for my birthday and I did not know how much to spend as my wife waiting until pay day this week to give me my present (we had a boiler break on us and the car needed some sorting out) so we where a little short.

Note that I did not know the going rate either.

I acutally always shop to a budget and get sometimes a mixture of mainly run of the mill stuff and sometime the odd treat.

Had a lovely chat with frenchblade, aka Max.

He has been kind enough to give me a fantasti offer (thanks again) and I actually have order two razors.

Not as I wanted to spend a fortune, but because this is a gift from my wife to me. As she wanted me to have both.

Hope that all makes sense?

Looking forward to the delievery of the razors. :cool:

Over all I have a lovely wife that supports my habbit! :lol: and thanks to the great advice given to me in this forum.

Now what blades do you recommend?

Many thanks

PM me your address and I will pif you a packet of Gillette Nacet Stainless in the post.
rwoodcock01 said:
Forgot to mention I have a superspeed and a slim adjusable on the way. A gift from my wife to me.

Northam Saint, you have a PM sir.

A Slim Adjustable eh ................. For your lovely wife you're obviously her very own James Bond !

JohnnyO. ;)
Just to jump on the FrenchBlade bandwagon, I just bought a 60's Gilette Tech and a Superspeed off him. Really great condition, lovely bloke and super deals. Cannot go wrong :)

p.s. Great shave too :p
rwoodcock01 said:

New to Adjustables?...Aim high, dial low. ;)

Indeed I am, I was going to use the lowest setting while I get used tothe razor ;)[/quote]

Hi there,

If I may suggest starting on #3, which is on the milder side but still effective. No one really uses the #1 setting on a Gillette adjustable.

And as it is your birthday pm me your address and I will send you over a box of the delectable shark stainless steels and a box of the good old reliable yellow Gillette seven o'clocks.

Both are easily available blades, with decent reviews.
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