Tv rocket

Iam upseting forum users buy asking to buy a tvrocket ? ?
I've just being pm'ed a member who says iam upseting regular users!!
as these razors are expensive , did'nt no you could not buy expensive on this forum
For now this member will remain nameless
bigduncan said:
Iam upseting forum users buy asking to buy a tvrocket ? ?
I've just being pm'ed a member who says iam upseting regular users!!
as these razors are expensive , did'nt no you could not buy expensive on this forum
For now this member will remain nameless

don't worry matey, i think the hot weather is causing peoples brains to overheat !!:icon_rolleyes:

steve :icon_razz:
bigduncan said:
Iam upseting forum users buy asking to buy a tvrocket ? ?
I've just being pm'ed a member who says iam upseting regular users!!
as these razors are expensive , did'nt no you could not buy expensive on this forum
For now this member will remain nameless

Might be upsetting the one user that PMed you - that's definitely not the same as upsetting regular users. Are you sure the PMer wasn't offering advice to prevent you paying over the odds?

No limitation on the expense of a razor sold here, that's between the buyer & seller as to whether they trust each other sufficiently to make the transaction - sellers may attract some commentary if their prices are deemed by others to be way out of the normal range... equally buyers may attract some jealous comments if they were to pick up a TV Rocket for £3 like I did :icon_razz:

Willing buyer, willing seller - that's the maxim. If you ask if anyone has one for sale and someone intimates they do, great, if not - you tried.
hunnymonster said:
bigduncan said:
Iam upseting forum users buy asking to buy a tvrocket ? ?
I've just being pm'ed a member who says iam upseting regular users!!
as these razors are expensive , did'nt no you could not buy expensive on this forum
For now this member will remain nameless

Might be upsetting the one user that PMed you - that's definitely not the same as upsetting regular users.

No limitation on the expense of a razor sold here, that's between the buyer & seller as to whether they trust each other sufficiently to make the transaction - sellers may attract some commentary if their prices are deemed by others to be way out of the normal range... equally buyers may attract some jealous comments if they were to pick up a TV Rocket for £3 like I did :icon_razz:

Willing buyer, willing seller - that's the maxim. If you ask if anyone has one for sale and someone intimates they do, great, if not - you tried.

TV Rocket for £3.00? Just not fair. How's that for a jealous comment?:icon_razz:
bigduncan said:
Iam upseting forum users buy asking to buy a tvrocket ? ?
I've just being pm'ed a member who says iam upseting regular users!!
as these razors are expensive , did'nt no you could not buy expensive on this forum
For now this member will remain nameless

Err! I am he.

Apologies if my PM was mis-interpreted or badly constructed. I assumed by your post count that you were relatively new to 'the game' and only wished to point out that there may be razors at different price points and conditions out there. I have nothing to hide or have any agenda regarding the buying and selling of items. If you wish to buy 'an expensive razor' why would it concern me?
If you wish to post my PM go ahead. I did not say you were upsetting regular users by trying to buy a razor,only that some prices for goods have raised a few eyebrows.
My only wish was for you be aware that there are a lot of razors at different prices in different conditions.
end of thread , i was'nt going to name anyone in this thread,
But big respect for coming forward and saying it was me
Yes iam new to the forum , i do most of my buying in america
when on business , british rockets are even more expensive over there
Thats why i asked on here
Thanks to everybody for there kind words
Anybody got a tv rocket for me then
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