View Unread posts

Anychance of havin g a view unread posts like on the old forum, the view new posts is OK but posts stay there after you have read the post.


It shows me unread posts BUT it also shows me other posts that I have read

I can click that link read all the posts, go back to main index, click veiw new posts again but the ones I have just read are still therealthough the little square thing icon to the left is is now greyed out.

basically on the old forum I just go with the view unread posts and refresh the page after reading a few topics, these topics would disapear and any newly updated topics would appear, I could read all the topics press F5 to refresh and the page would be blank, press F5 again and 2 topics that had just been updated would show. currently I can read all the topics on that 'view new posts' link click it again and they are all still there on my screen - they are not new I have read them.

Currently the main menu shows NO new posts, click the link it shows 11 topics, but these have all been read.

Hope that makes a little more sense
Ok I get what you are after but at the moment no, the grey ones are obviously the ones that you have read, if all the new posts are grey then there is no new posts that you haven't seen. I will put it on the list to check out at some stage.
true but it's more efficient way of getting recent content unless you have previously read every single post on the board.If you haven't then your search results will run into the thousands.Judging by the amount of people who missed the announcement about the PM'S I don't know think many actually use these functions anyway.
Consider this scenario: You have Tapatalk set up on your phone to alert you to PMs every x hours... effectively it logs in, checks for PMs, sets your last login time and logs out - neatly hiding all the unread posts made before it logged in...

What do I want? "View unread posts" when do I want it? "whenever you can see your way free to doing it" :)
OK this view new posts isnt working.

I have not logged out for a few days now this afternoon I had 4 pages of topics to read but had to rush out, I came back in clicked the link to get any more that would have been added, I now only have 2.

I have basically missed 2+ pages of unread posts.

Please can you change it back to view UNREAD posts not read NEW posts as the systems definition of new and mine are completly different, I may not have read a post made 2 weeks ago, the system will not think its new BUT its UNREAD to me so technically NEW.

Cheers :0)
It is working as it was working when you first posted. Since you haven't logged out it won't show you anything new. I still have it on the to-do list from when I answered the same question earlier in the thread.
Thank you :0)

Shows how much I have missed even though I haven't logged out.

Show new posts = 2 pages
Show unread post = 24 pages

Busy night for me I think
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