Vintage Shaving Company 'Trad'Cream Review


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
I received this cream from the VSC as a sampler for the purpose of a review. After a few weeks use, here is the review.

Packaging: Screw top aluminium tin (reusable) labelled with barber shop style livery. Directions on the label make it appear to be for brush less use which seemed a little strange to me. 150ml

Contents: The cream is erm cream coloured :idea: The first thing I noticed was how strong the scent is. I think they have gone for a clean, soapy, barbershop type smell which they have achieved. I get a bit of a woody lemon whiff from it (Bergamot?)

Use: I stuck a bit into a bowl and had at it with a Rooney Super, a decent amount of nice lather resulted. The scent is not as strong when lathered as it is in the tin which I found to be a good thing. I shaved with my trusty Muhle and a superthin, a well proven combination. The lather protected well, was very stable and I had plenty much there for my usual two passes. No issues with the product at all during the shave.

Conclusion: The cream is a good, mid priced product, it lathers and protects well. Made in the UK and priced in the range of the BodyShop Macca Root Cream. I would definitely recommend trying some out, especially if you are looking for something with the barbershop type smell.

I found it for a tenner delivered on Amazon.
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