Vintage Vs Modern DE Razors, Your Opinions

I was wandering what peoples thoughts were with regards to vintage vs modern DE razors.
Do you prefer one over the other?
What do you think of the quality, fit and finish of modern DE's compared to vintage.
Do you think that modern DE's will survive fifty odd years of use like many vintage razors or simply fall apart.
Do you feel that the price of vintage DE razors is justified or are they overpriced.
What would be your dream razor, a vintage or modern DE.

Your Thoughts?
I don't really consider there is a distinct and consistent difference; some razors are great designs, some aren't. Similarly, some are beautifully-made, and some are flawed.

There can surely be no doubt that certain models of vintage razor sell for more than can be justified on the basis of performance, but I'd argue that, based on reviews I've read here and elsewhere, the same is true for some stainless steel modern DEs.
I'm a self confessed fan of modern, I've owned something like 15 modern and maybe ten vintage but I never really loved shaving with any of the vintage ones. Hard to put my finger on why, but I just know they didn't move me. This also happened with a few of the modern ones too, so they were sold on, I'm now down to a small selection (5) of very different modern models.

What do you think of the quality, fit and finish of modern DE's compared to vintage.

Depends on the make, Edwin Jagger and Muhle are really lovely modern razors in terms of fit and finish but Merkur are pretty sketchy, finish wise although I still own two and I love shaving with them. Mostly the old razors I've had were good build quality without quite the finish of say, a Jagger.

A lot of modern 3 piece will probably last 50 plus years, I'm sure. I'm not so sure about 2 piece and one piece / butterfly razors, the slightly increased complexity might be their undoing, I've heard stories about Merkur 2 pieces going "BOING" and losing their innards.
Vintage mostly for me just love the way they shave,the old school vibe yes they are over priced but they are vintage and in demand so up goes the price tag.

Yes I have 4 modern razors, but I don't love them,there just doing a job.
Amusingly the same thoughts were probably going around people's heads 60 years ago and now look how valuable those gillette's are now :dodgy:
Oh yeah, value of vintage and is it justified: I think it's hard for us to be the judges of that, only the person paying the price knows if he can justify it, the prices sometimes seem too steep to me but there's an immeasurable sort of pleasure linked in to these things sometimes.
I would never pay a hundred pounds for a razor but I've just paid about £120 for a brush and I can justify the pleasure it will bring, so it's a funny old game this shaving lark.
Canuck said:
Oh yeah, value of vintage and is it justified: I think it's hard for us to be the judges of that, only the person paying the price knows if he can justify it, the prices sometimes seem too steep to me but there's an immeasurable sort of pleasure linked in to these things sometimes.
I would never pay a hundred pounds for a razor but I've just paid about £120 for a brush and I can justify the pleasure it will bring, so it's a funny old game this shaving lark.

It sure is :angel:
I love mine Gillette Super Speed, but I don't think modern DE safety razors are bad, especially if you look how much value you can get with an cheap Chinese safety razor from about € 1, and the lasts weeks I'm using a cheap Chinese Gillette safety razor and it works great.
I think some of the modern razors are brilliant, the iKons, Webers, Muhle, etc... I don't rate most of the modern cheap copies. i think the good ones will last a good many years in the hands of enthusiasts and collectors.

I also like vintage razors, although I'm not a fan of TTO razors for some reason, I just can't seem to shave well with them. I do have a Slim Adjustable as I find that the best of them all.

Are vintage razors worth the money, I think probably yes, they are still good razors and getting ever rarer to find good ones, some modern razors are worth quite a lot too.
I'm getting more into modern razors these days so much so I'm seriously considering selling off my #58 & #59 sets to help fund an Ikon or feather, I suppose mix n match is the way to go I have a vintage Gillette New head on a modern BRW Bull Mastiff XXL handle and that gives great shaves as does the EJ head I use on it sometimes, might have to have a go at an EJ head on a vintage Gillette New handle and see what that's like,
Modern: my EJ De89 is exceptionally well built... better finish that my Weber polished (especially considering the difference in price). I'm pretty certain that both will be going strong in 50 years time (which is more than can be said for me)... unless I drop them on an unforgiving floor and knock them out of kilter or something.
I'm pretty sure that by the time 2014 is ushered in, I will have succumbed to the temptation of trying out a Feather AS-D1 (or it's replacement) or an Ikon or the like.

Vintage: Got a reconditioned Slim, Fatboy and Fat-handled Tech. I do wonder that the TTO mechanism is a potential weak point... but I suppose I can always have them re-reconditioned. All things being equal, I think they too could last another 50 years. Never fancied vintage originally.. but there is something about the vibe. Also, now that I have got used to them, the Slim and the Fatboy shave as well as the Weber... the Tech is not so good for longer growth.

BUT... if I want a no-nonsense shave... say if I'm rushed, under the weather or whatever... then it's likely to be the Weber with one of my favoured blades in it
NotTheStig said:
Vintage for me. Modern ones are slippery and vintage has a 'they don't make them like that anymore' cachet - deservedly or not

Same for me. I love shaving with something that my great grandad could have theoretically used.
I love the vintage shavers. I have almost every Rocket and Superspeed ever produced, not to mention the Aristocrats, Slims, Fatboys and News. Just shaved this morning with a 1967 M2 Black Superspeed and a Polsilver blade. Exquisite BBS shave. Yesterday it was a 1951 W4 Black tip Superspeed and the Polsilver - same result. Tomorrow will be the Red Tip 1955 A3 with a yellow 7 O'Clock blade - absolute heaven. End of the week will feature the Rockets and Aristocrats.
Next week I'll use the adjustables, including the Merkur Futur, the Slim and Fatboy followed by a couple of days with the straight.
Modern or Vintage. it doesn't matter.
RAD? who mentioned RAD............................................
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