Wet shaving addiction??

Many soon hit the "wall" & a burnout stage. The average Western male adheres to a hobby for approx. four yrs. from what I've read. I have actually bought very little in the past 11 mos. and sold most of my razor collection back in the Fall of 2016. I went through RAD, SAD and BAD, but quickly came to my senses and liquidated most of it and made a little money to boot on some items. I use the same razor (Tech) now for 95% + of my shaving as it works perfectly for me (and millions since 1939) and now only have two black synthetic brushes, having sold the rest. I am finishing off several soaps before I even consider a new one having bought just a few samples in the last year mainly. I consider myself fortunate in that I was able to liquidate a lot of what I didn't need and make a profit. One day, if you're lucky, you will take a gander at all of it & say...

"How in the Hell did I end up with all this sh#$??!!"


I really need to have a clearout, I've indentified my favourite things and tend to use those so I have a lot of stuff going virtually un-used.

As a case in point, I've acquired three stainless razors since I bought my PILS and apart from a honeymoon period with the Guerrilla I still use the PILS 95% of the time. I could definitely afford to thin the herd.
I am not addicted. I am a collector due to being OCD. I enjoy trying new razors, soaps and creams. I actually don't enjoy shaving as I have severe rosacea, which is why my interest in shaving began. I do enjoy a BBS face.
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