What are you drinking tonight.

White Gypsy American Pale Ale
7.5% ABV

Comes in a generous 750ml bottle:

TheMonk said:
Talisker 10YO - can't go wrong.

One of my favourite malts. I have an unopened bottle of Storm in my cupboard.

I had a couple of drams of Lagavulin 16 last night.

When I first tasted it I wasn't sure if I liked it. It does smell very much of TCP to me.

Unfortunately I now love the blasted stuff. It is so smooth. £50 a bottle though!
Tall_Paul said:
TheMonk said:
Talisker 10YO - can't go wrong.

One of my favourite malts. I have an unopened bottle of Storm in my cupboard.

I had a couple of drams of Lagavulin 16 last night.

When I first tasted it I wasn't sure if I liked it. It does smell very much of TCP to me.

Unfortunately I now love the blasted stuff. It is so smooth. £50 a bottle though!

You're talking my language there. Lagavulin 16YO is my favorite go-to single malt - it just doesn't get any better then that IMO.
A tin of cheap but award winning, cheap cider form Lidl. I've had a nightmare of a day where I have had to be blatantly honest with a few Cub parents about the behaviour of their kids. They really let us down last night . Not something I like doing but it needed to be said. Rant over, cider down.
Tall_Paul said:
Lagavulin 16 again. I have £30 of Tesco vouchers so they will be used to replace the bottle (think it's my favourite malt now).

I find Lagavulin to be a bit peaty for me (but my Welsh friend loves it...then again, he's Welsh). I found Oban some time ago and love it!
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