what brush for new DE shaver

I would love to hear some recommendations for a brush. I only started DE shaving about a week ago.

The only brush I could find was in a local chemist. It was a non branded £1.80 item that is not great. The ends of the bristles stick into my face and it is very uncomfortable. It also sheds it bristles in my soap.

I think I need something soft. I was thinking of a muhle silvertip fibre (synthetic) Just because i think I need something soft and it will go nicely with my muhle R 89.

But I could be wrong so and adivce would be appreciated.
You won't go far wrong with a razorock synth.
You have to try these things as it is largely personal preference.
I think the lather is better from a broken in good quality boar brush, if you like DE shaving then an omega 49 or semogue 610 would be streets ahead of your current brush & once broken in (the hair splits & softens with use) will be a very good brush indeed.
You won't go far wrong with a razorock synth.
You have to try these things as it is largely personal preference.
I think the lather is better from a broken in good quality boar brush, if you like DE shaving then an omega 49 or semogue 610 would be streets ahead of your current brush & once broken in (the hair splits & softens with use) will be a very good brush indeed.
I started using a synthetic living in South East Asia where a badger would never get dry in a typical wet floor bathroom. Now I'm too used to the convenience and any difference in performance above my Plisson pales in comparison to that bump in convenience.
True, synthetics make fantastic travel brushes as they dry so fast. I think a great first choice, everyone should have a synth.

If you have 1 brush, a synth is the right choice. I rotate my animal hair brushes so they get a 48 hours to dry & to do that you need at least 2.
some will never break in, and soften up. To soften up the tips of the fiber need to split. And if the brush is made using hairs that are cut at the ends, the likely hood of the tips splitting is well, somewhat like a snowballs chance in that warm place.

However a synthetic would not break in, that's the issue of synthetic. If you love how the brush feels on the face, it will always feel that way. If you hate how it feels, your somewhat screwed.
I think brushes are largely just a matter of learning to use them (unless they are just shedding too much). My first brush was a $10 VDH boar and it's still as good as any other brush I have. I got a vintage boar and a vintage badger. They're all good. I tend to use the badger with creams and boars for soaps.

They all put soap/cream on the face so what else are they supposed to do? :)
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