Whatever happened to Löwenbräu?

Monday July 20, 2009
Anyone come across this lager in pubs lately? I used to love this. Admittedly, there were only a few places that served it, but now it seems to have disappeared altogether. :icon_sad:
Where abouts are you? Beers of the world in Norfolk used to have it in by the case load. They also do a mixed case of unusual German lagers.

factormax said:
Anyone come across this lager in pubs lately? I used to love this. Admittedly, there were only a few places that served it, but now it seems to have disappeared altogether. :icon_sad:

That was a favorite beer of mine from the late 60s through the mid 90s. Well, the Dark version was, anyway. It was a bit more interesting than the regular brew and went down soooo easy. When I was 18, which was the drinking age for beer and wine in the State next to me, a bunch of us would drive 60 miles to a bar with Lowenbrau Dark on tap in those big old mugs,

I believe back then this was brewed in Germany, but over the years it was sold to someone like Miller and the beers were made in the US. It was not the same as you can imagine and no one I knew drank it. There was still some imported Lowenbrau 6 packs in a few specialty stores until the 90s and these came from Switzerland. It was really really good and probably the most expensive beer around. Sadly, no one is distributing it anywhere in the US. Heh, I happened to check fairly recently.

Another top beer not available here anymore is Aas from Norway I think. That brewery makes some wonderful things.

If you liked the Lowenbrau Dark, I might recommend a dark wheat type (Hefe-Weisse) made by Weihenstephan (Germany). The Vitus is quite tasty also. They also do a regular beer called Original Premium that's a nice take on a classic Czech Pilsner.

BigBoar said:
Where abouts are you? Beers of the world in Norfolk used to have it in by the case load. They also do a mixed case of unusual German lagers.


I'm in London. It's the draught I recall and miss.

dodgy said:
factormax said:
Anyone come across this lager in pubs lately? I used to love this. Admittedly, there were only a few places that served it, but now it seems to have disappeared altogether. :icon_sad:

If you liked the Lowenbrau Dark, I might recommend a dark wheat type (Hefe-Weisse) made by Weihenstephan (Germany). They also do a regular beer called Original Premium that's a nice take on a classic Czech Pilsner.


Actually, I didn't know there was more than one type? The one I remember had a bluish logo, and was more expensive than the 'standard' range of beers.

Others that have disappeared are SKOL, and Long Life (thinking about it, not sure if that was a lager or a pale ale).
antdad said:

Thanks Antdad - that's a great help! The World's End! I actually live within staggering distance of that pub. Who would have believed it! I've always considered Lowenbrau to be something of a 'classy' beer, and the World's End to be....well...let's just say, a dive. But them, I'm not a teenager anymore, and each to his own.

I'll make it a thing to pop in there and investigate one weekday luchtime, when it might be a bit quieter.
Oliver Reed's brew of choice, as legend would have it ... I saw it on tap all over Malta, but sadly not in his pub, so I had to raise a Guinness to the lad. Not seen it in pubs here for ages, but then I don't think I've been looking.

Yeah, not a bad brew at all.
factormax said:
I've always considered Lowenbrau to be something of a 'classy' beer, and the World's End to be....well...let's just say, a dive. But them, I'm not a teenager anymore, and each to his own.

I'll make it a thing to pop in there and investigate one weekday luchtime, when it might be a bit quieter.

Well, it looks like that some of that Lowenbrau beer has gone through some changes in the last 15 years. New/old recipe was the idea and maybe you will get to sample that soon. You might ask where the stuff you are drinking is brewed.

Here: http://articles.latimes.com/1999/oct/01/business/fi-17371
[/quote]Another top beer not available here anymore is Ass from Norway I think.

Do you ever think there is some irony in the name of these foreign beers? [emoji6]
factormax said:
antdad said:

Thanks Antdad - that's a great help! The World's End! I actually live within staggering distance of that pub. Who would have believed it! I've always considered Lowenbrau to be something of a 'classy' beer, and the World's End to be....well...let's just say, a dive. But them, I'm not a teenager anymore, and each to his own.

I'll make it a thing to pop in there and investigate one weekday luchtime, when it might be a bit quieter.
Your not wrong! Usually go to the Cuban close by or Proud, art exhibition by day, club by night. World's end do a few good draughts. CAMRA beer festival is a must (not missed one for some time) still trying to hunt down Cairns raisin beer.

Had an ale called Proper Job in Devon; grapefruit esq great name bit of a true ale the next morning if you know what I mean
I was in Munich recently and went to the Lowenbraukeller to eat wurst and drink Lowebrau. It still going great guns in Bavaria, but has probably been overtaken in UK by cheaper alternatives. Lovely....
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