Wintertime weather?!?

Thursday October 8, 2009
Well I don't know what it's like for you southerners today but today is the first day since last winter that I've had to put the heating on during the day.

It's bloody cold.
You must be tougher than me Andy (well I am actually a soft southerner) because we ours has been on for a while now.

I think that August was the only month where we did not have the heating on at some point.
hunnymonster said:
It was -2C in Little Feckwittering this morning... a bit brisk but I was still in short sleeves :lol:

Well it's been a good bit clearer today so I'd guess we'll be hitting the big 0 tonight.
I'm the other end of the country to you fella's, and it's been a bit milder the last couple of days - but it was cold over the weekend. It dropped to about 2C on Saturday night, and we had a mild ground frost.

Bring it on - I love winter :D
hunnymonster said:
Short sleeves is "exposing" yourself? Where do you live? Libya :lol: :lol:

Yes, under sharea law wearing a cap sleeved T shirt North of Gateshead is punishable by drowning in a Newcastle Brown slush puppy.
antdad said:
hunnymonster said:
Short sleeves is "exposing" yourself? Where do you live? Libya :lol: :lol:

Yes, under sharea law wearing a cap sleeved T shirt North of Gateshead is punishable by drowning in a Newcastle Brown slush puppy.

I thought they only had Shearer Law in Gateshead?

A touch cold here this morning, but no heating yet. Mrs A maintains that it can't be cold enough for that till Halloween, so it must be my imagination, though I did get trick or treated by an overoptimistic ghoul the other night.
Arrowhead said:
A touch cold here this morning, but no heating yet. Mrs A maintains that it can't be cold enough for that till Halloween, so it must be my imagination, though I did get trick or treated by an overoptimistic ghoul the other night.

You must be bloody freezing. We've had ours on since at least the beginning of the month. Then again I suppose it's what you're used to. I remember waking up and seeing ice on the inside of the windows. Loved picking it off.
Pig Cat said:
Arrowhead said:
A touch cold here this morning, but no heating yet. Mrs A maintains that it can't be cold enough for that till Halloween, so it must be my imagination, though I did get trick or treated by an overoptimistic ghoul the other night.

You must be bloody freezing. We've had ours on since at least the beginning of the month. Then again I suppose it's what you're used to. I remember waking up and seeing ice on the inside of the windows. Loved picking it off.

Ah the simple pleasures, picking ice off the insides of windows, ricketts, sleeping 3 or 4 to a bed - before i was an MSP, fighting wars against people armed with only with fruit - those were the days ;)
moodymick said:
Pig Cat said:
Arrowhead said:
A touch cold here this morning, but no heating yet. Mrs A maintains that it can't be cold enough for that till Halloween, so it must be my imagination, though I did get trick or treated by an overoptimistic ghoul the other night.

You must be bloody freezing. We've had ours on since at least the beginning of the month. Then again I suppose it's what you're used to. I remember waking up and seeing ice on the inside of the windows. Loved picking it off.

Ah the simple pleasures, picking ice off the insides of windows, ricketts, sleeping 3 or 4 to a bed - before i was an MSP, fighting wars against people armed with only with fruit - those were the days ;)


Actually sleeping 3 or 4 to a bed is something I still aspire to, but sadly Mrs PC says neither she nor any of her friends are remotely interested. :roll:
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