Wish me luck

Yesterday was the funeral of one of the black belts at my martial arts club, she died aged just 46 due to breast cancer leaving a husband and 2 young children.

On Sunday my martial arts club are holding a charity 10 hour training session in her memory, to help raise funds for a CT scanner for the local hospital.

I intend doing all 10 hours, although to be fair that includes 2, ½ hour refreshment breaks. I've seen the timetable and to be frank it looks like 3 weeks classes back to back in one day! It will be a massive challenge but as a mark of respect to one who showed indomitable spirit and to support my clubs efforts a handful of intend completing it.

Come Sunday night I shall hopefully be feeling proud, tired and a bit lighter.

For those that have trained in MA the timetable is

10:00 Forms (kata) Drilling all from white belt to 2nd dan
12:00 Line work, set defenses,
1:00 Break
1:30 Weapons, Bo Staff, nunchaku, kama, sai and swords
3:00 XMA (performance martial arts)
3:30 Break
4:00 Escrima stick fighting/knife fighting, wing chun kung fu and trapping
5:00 Bag work/pad combinations
6:00 MMA ground work/grappling
7:00 Sparring (kick boxing)
8:00 end

XMA isn't my kind of thing its a bit too gymnastic and some of the weapons are new to me, but we'll give them all a go.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Nobody should go from here at that age, and no children should experience the loss of a parent.

Good luck!

By sunday evening I guess you will feel it, but thats a small price to pay for such a worthy cause.

Good luck Nic! What a great thing to do and well done by both club and you! :D

*Mental note: don´t pick fight with Nic on TSR walkabout*
That sounds like a punishing work out! Good luck with it and hope you manage to raise lots of money.

Always sad when someone is taken from us so young.
Thank you all.

Grappling is indeed particularly draining, and PC I too hope there are no mishaps.

I think its going to be a great day, with a great atmosphere, and its the kind of event that she would have been 110% involved in if she was still with us.
Well I'm back and I can honestly say it was an amazing day.

We raised over £800 in donations on the day, Adam one of our semi-pro MMA fighters donated the £150 purse from his last fight and online donations are £55 so far. They've not done the final count but thats at least £1000 raised, a great tribute to Sarah and it makes me so proud that I'm part of such a great group of people. We are a small town club but a close nit one!

Time for a long soak in the bath and then roast chicken!
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