Women's Logic

Yeah, oxymoron I know. This is an example from today....

Down town Mrs M announces that she needs to buy an eraser, so we trot off to Ryman's Stationary.

Mrs M: 'I've got one!'
Me: 'How much?'
Mrs M: '£1.50'

I notice the sale stand

Me: 'Look, they have some here, 5 items for £1 in the sale!'
Mrs M: 'But I only want one!'
Me: 'They're only £1 though!'
Mrs M: 'But I don't want 5, so I'm buying this one!'

And so she did - c'uh!:icon_rolleyes:
Not really the kinda rubbers my illiterate pals would value I fear. They even go round in twos 'cause one can read and one can write !!! BOOM BOOM !

JohnnyO. \:blush::blush:
Theo Paphitis has to make his cash somewhere...

Back on topic - "Women's logic" is an oxymoron - they are all inherently illogical.

She asks me to buy a can of beans - in the same brand, the big tin is 50p, medium tin 65p, small tin 60p - I buy the big one.

Her: "It's a waste"
Me: "Yes of beans, rather than my money and I'm not in the habit of unnecessary expenditure where I can avoid it" (please don't ask about the razor blades, please don't ask about the razors...)
After my efforts so far to clear out the dross from my life (culminating so far in the massive success of half a cellar) I.....would still have gone with the 5 for £1. And eventually, the other 4 would have been put in the cellar until a decade later they would have been so covered in dust and cobwebs that I could have justified throwning them out.
Mrs. M. either deserves an award for saving the planet. Or she was well aware that the expensive rubber was better quality than the cheaper ones. All rubbers are not equal.....just as well, or we might not be hear to talk about it.:icon_wink:
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