Woo! I'm a Buccaneer!

Thanks, all :D

I'm carrying on the good work that I did as part of a Commissioning Support Unit, specifically three aspects of service management for IT: problem management, change management and identity & access management. It's IT, but nowt to do with computers, as such. I'd also like to specialise in one (me: "Change! Change! Change! I love Change Management), but for now ... it'll be all three.

We deliver a range of functions to primary care (that's your GPs, via their CCGs) from Business Intelligence to ICT to Communications & Engagement to Transformation to Commissioning Support, all of which underpins the actual mechanism by which you get treated when you go to the Doc's. And you thought the Doc did it all ... *

Scope? Yorkshire & Humber-wide. Some 23 CCGs being our initial customer base from Bassetlaw to Bedale, from Grassington to Hull. For now I'm a home worker, offices in Bradford being developed right now.

Friends in the private sector have said it'll be a big change, but it's really not as the area I've been working in has already been streamlined very much along the same lines as what I've gone into: largely cash led and prioritised as such.

* For folks wondering just how it all works ... you got to see your Doctor. Your Doctor belongs to a Clinical Commissioning Group (an NHS body) who get the money directly from NHS England (also an NHS body ... in fact "The NHS" as it exists as a brand), but don't have the remit to deliver ... so, they turn to Commissioning Support Units (CSUs ... also NHS bodies, presently) who delivery the whole gamut of primary care support services. There are 6 CSUs in England (NHS Wales and NHS Scotland do it differently). The CSU I worked for closed down because it laughably failed to get onto the Local Provider Framework (the framework you have to get on to deliver services to the NHS, NHS bodies or private entities). Embed Health, who I now work for ... did ... and so I went to work for them. Come the end of next year, the remainder of the CSUs will have to go private, so in some respects I've jumped into the unknown; in other respects, I'm already on the unstoppable train of privatisation and one of the first on, hanging from the front of the engine (the BDO Engine ... in-joke) waving my cutlass at the wide-eyed remains of the NHS - we (Embed Health) could be riding this one country-wide in 12-18 months. < Shhh! Political discussion could ensue. Please don't as @Bechet wants an easy Friday night. Really, please don't ... as I could get all misty-eyed, engage in said political discussion, blow my new job and get banned from here ... and then who will show you pictures of 1912s, more 1912s, yet more 1912s, 1912s in this box, 1912s in that box, 1912s in the other box, 1912s on a soap, 1912s against a bottle of aftershave, 1912s beneath a brush. @dodgy will have nobody to jeer at, he will become depressed and descend into a downward spiral of endless briskets resulting in a coronary ... oh, it doesn't bear thinking about :p
Sheesh! all that management and not a patient in sight. Small wonder I got fired from the NHS - too many toes upon which to tread and I stomped on most of 'em! Ooooarrrr...
Oh, aye ... and after all that, there's the actual treatment to pay for. Now, there's the profit incentive. It's not cutting cost, just adding a percentage to. Or am I cynical?

Do right in the circle of influence that you can influence. Heed not the circles beyond your influence.
Good luck.
When I see the phrases NHS and IT, I can't help but be reminded of the debacle that was NPfIT - was it £6.5 billion wasted?
Hoping I don't have to pay for my health 'care' after years of paying hefty NI contributions and tax :mad:
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