Worth Seeing.

Sunday March 10, 2013
i really like this guy nice chill tune.


almost in class with this :D

Very cool and nice (not the North Korean part though)!

Rick: you know that guy? Brilliant guitarist, not that I know much about it, but you seems to have your fingers in most yars, be it weights or music (or wet shaving :)).
Don't know him well; he was part of the UK.music.guitar newsgroup back when I was and I met him a few times, but I doubt he's remember me. We have a fair few mutual friends though.

I saw him at the RNCM with a couple of other great solo acoustic players at the end of last year. He was the highlight. Often with these guys you feel the song is a product of the technique, whereas with Jon you never for a moment doubt that it's all in service of the music.
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