Would like DE for precision work

I am looking for a precision DE razor. Normally I use plastic disposable Bic 1 Sensitive for touch up work but a DE razor with the same ease of keeping track of blade location but more sex appeal would be nice. Among the usual suspects I have only found the Merkur Mustasch & Eyebrow model but propriety blades no thx.
I use the ATT or an Ikon. The Ikon covers the side tabs as well and both allow for easy precision work. You can see the blade which is a great help and the heads are small enough to manoeuvre around the face. Otherwise a straight razor is the other preferred tool of choice.
Straight razor - Have not got the courage.
ATT or Ikon - Great stuff at a price.
Fatip Piccolo - "Va bene!" On the to buy-list.
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Recently bought a Fatip OC in the nickel / gunmetal finish and it is as precise as you're likely to get without going the injector route I believe. Only word of caution I have to mention is that I've read about some quality concerns. My own razor is of excellent quality and finish and there's no problem with the accuracy and tolerances.

JohnnyO. o/
Will investigate vintage Schick injector. By the way this is what I am facing each morning :)
Took me a bit to comprehend what that was. If it's a bollock I've got no suggestions for ya. If it's a goatee I use a cheapo shavette. Works a treat.
For DE's I'd look for something with maximum blade exposure like a Fatip. Easier to see the blade. A cheapo shavette is the way to go though really, and a great way to use up those least liked blades in your stash. I bought a hundred BIC Chrome which I didn't get on with so I use em in the shavette.
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