You can make one law . . . what would it be?

So: You can make one law . . . what would it be?

Mine would be to move the clocks forward an hour (i.e. move from GMT / BST to CET or whatever British time +1 is called).

Longer, lighter evenings would mean (imho) fewer road traffic accidents and reduced energy consumption. It would also help people with SAD and probably improve trade with Europe.

When I lived in Holland I loved sitting out till 11pm -- now I know they are a bit further east, but not much.

This would mean darker, colder morning yes -- but I'm sure we do more in the "p.m." part of the day than the "a.m." hours so it would be better to have the extra light then.

So. What would your law be? (And you can't have revoking my law as your piece of legislation!)
One?! Not sure I can pick one...

Options to include but not limited to...

Mandatory retaking of driving test every 20 years at least, maybe 15.

National service

No pay day loans - if you don't have the money you can't have it

.... That's all I can think of for now but if I had to leave it there I would.
A £1000 for a Dog license that's a crazy and unworkable number, £100 would be more than enough many people who are responsible owners would pay £100 but how could you expect an old age pensioner to cough up that kind of cash, the law I would like to see changed would be no housing benefits zero nothing if you can't afford to live in a flat or property then tough shit move into your parents or a Hostel the thought of rich landlords with no responsibility to the local community picking up huge weekly payments made up of Tax payers and council tax income makes me want to go around to their houses and put a a bullet through their head!
Dog license at a grand is as ridiculous as no housing benefits. What about young families with children - you can't reprimand someone who isn't at fault - it's the rich landlords you don't like, so find a way to reprimand them instead.
pugh-the-special-one said:
the thought of rich landlords with no responsibility to the local community picking up huge weekly payments made up of Tax payers and council tax income makes me want to go around to their houses and put a a bullet through their head!

Yes, what has happened is that Council Houses were sold (cheaply) under "Right To Buy" and not replaced (even though you build two for the price each one sold). So there is now no Council Houses so people live in privately-owned houses and get Housing Benefit. That means private landlords are getting taxpayers' money.

So in 2009 you could buy a crappy flat round here for £60k. Get a tenant in at £500 pcm and your are on 10% return (£6k p.a.) when the bank are paying next to nothing in interest. Oh, and you've got a house -- seldom a bad investment in itself.

These days those same properties are more like £85 or 90k and rents £600 so returns are down a bit but still very good.

The scandal is that it's taxpayers' money going into private landlords' pockets.

Nice little earner if you've got the capital to buy a rental property.
Northam Saint said:
flip-68 said:
Dog licences, 1000 quid a year per dog. No licence and the dog is taken from you.

Why ?

Not a fan of dogs, trying to discourage ownership. Imagine all those young 'uns who would still be alive if only they hadn't been mauled by some insane canine. Less barking and dog poo.

To show i listen to my electorate, i'll lower the price to 100 quid a year per dog but if you are caught without a licence you are fined 1000 quid and have to 300 quid for your licences for 3 years
Rev-O said:
pugh-the-special-one said:
the thought of rich landlords with no responsibility to the local community picking up huge weekly payments made up of Tax payers and council tax income makes me want to go around to their houses and put a a bullet through their head!

Yes, what has happened is that Council Houses were sold (cheaply) under "Right To Buy" and not replaced (even though you build two for the price each one sold). So there is now no Council Houses so people live in privately-owned houses and get Housing Benefit. That means private landlords are getting taxpayers' money.

So in 2009 you could buy a crappy flat round here for £60k. Get a tenant in at £500 pcm and your are on 10% return (£6k p.a.) when the bank are paying next to nothing in interest. Oh, and you've got a house -- seldom a bad investment in itself.

These days those same properties are more like £85 or 90k and rents £600 so returns are down a bit but still very good.

The scandal is that it's taxpayers' money going into private landlords' pockets.

Nice little earner if you've got the capital to buy a rental property.

Not quite as simple as that when you consider capital gains tax, taxable income, tenants from hell and the cost of repairs.

Anyone thinking of investing in residential property to make money needs their bumps read.

Commercial property is where the smart money is going.

I'll get back to you with a 'law' when I can think of one.
I'm not a fan of cats but I wouldn't put my dislike on others. Imagine how much less cat poo was around if we licensed them.

What you want is stiffer penalties on people who let their dogs poo and don't pick it up. Stiffer penalties for those who's dogs do maul people. What your saying is let's put a tax on everyone including responsible dog owners.

Yes I've two dogs, two well cared for ones who visit the vet regularly. Two I can honestly say I have picked up every lump they have produced. Two who you could provoke as much as you like and they wouldn't maul you back. It's the small minority of buggers on the other end of the lead. Example, out in USA last year my six year old daughter was smoothing a pit bull, pure bread, lovely young couple of owners.

So what's your view on cats then ? Do we ban birds as they crap everywhere too ? Why not put a tax on kids, some of them turn out to be right little buggers.

Now microchipping that should be something everyone should do and be fined for not doing so.
Re the Dog / Cat / Bird / Fish thing ... I have said it before, I can see no logical or rational reason for keeping animals (which are basically just meat wrapped in fur, scales or feathers) in the house.

So, I would ban ALL forms of animal ownership (working dogs and livestock excepted) and make the former owners go out into the big bad World and experience some good old fashioned human interaction, or suggest to them they find a hobby.
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