Your favourite holiday ?

My favorite holiday is borrowing my father in laws cabin on Christiansø, a 22.3 ha island in the Baltic Sea, originally a naval base started in the late 1600's by the Danish King Christian the fifth.

The island has approximately 100 residents, and tourism is quite big, with 4 ferries coming in every day in the summer.

But when the last ferry leaves at 4.15 pm that island has total tranquility. Only sounds of the sea and seagulls.


mstrunck said:
My favorite holiday is borrowing my father in laws cabin on Christiansø, a 22.3 ha island in the Baltic Sea, originally a naval base started in the late 1600's by the Danish King Christian the fifth.

The island has approximately 100 residents, and tourism is quite big, with 4 ferries coming in every day in the summer.

But when the last ferry leaves at 4.15 pm that island has total tranquility. Only sounds of the sea and seagulls.


That sounds Idyllic.

Now that I'm old and have kids my favorite holiday's Christmas. Yep, I married a non Chosen One, and this Christmas thing turned out to be pretty good. Never celebrated that when I was a kid, and Chanukkah ain't quite the same.

However, the 4th of July was open to all religions, and that day was always lots of fun. Of course I'd always buy some of the Smiling Rabbi brand of fireworks that were sold by the local Temple members.

Mainly though, I'd prefer the Chinese versions that my neighbor Mr Morelli would supply us kids with. He'd drive to one of the hillbilly states like Georgia or Tennessee (about 1200 kilometers) and buy a trunkload of really dangerous stuff. Then around 8am July 4th morning we'd go across the street to his house and the wonderful items in his trunk were passed out. Yeah, it was like Christmas in July.....heh. Hell of a nice guy.

He'd have things like cherry bombs and silver salutes, exploding skyrockets and roman candles, and various things that chased you around before blowing up. If you were especially good that year, sometimes a few two shot repeater aerial bombs were included in the assortment. Those could kill you (extremely powerful explosive), but rarely did.


Heh, there's one Thanksgiving that was pretty special. Back in 1970, maybe 8-10 of us dropped a bunch of pink mescaline and had a very amusing Thanksgiving dinner.
joe mcclaine said:
Skegness, Ingoldmells, Chapel St Leonards and Mablethorpe - one of those, every year and have done since I was born.

Skeg gets a beating from people, but my Grandparents retired out that way, about 10 mins drive - My parents live there now :) So its a free holiday every time I go home. And to be honest every time I've been there, both day and night its been great.

Best holiday for me is either South Africa/Zimbabwe for my Brothers wedding and then some travelling or Mauritius for a friend's wedding. Stayign with locals both times really opens your eyes to how much mroe than "tourism" there is in these beautiful places
I'm a chameleon concerning travel, I spend a few weeks in a place, and I feel at "home", be it Ireland, Holland, France, South Africa or any of the scandinavian countries.

Most of the places I've been to were for "extended periods" and included some kind of work, so not sure if it counts.

But if it does, South Africa gets my vote, spend 5 months there, was originally not planning on staying that long, but just couldn't see myself coming home.
If it wasn't for obligations back "home" (=france at the time), I'd probably still be there.

Best childhood holiday.. Norway in the winter time. Lots of fond memories there.

I have very fond memories of my childhood summer holidays in Tamworth, Staffordshire. Not exactly a tourist destination, but my sister and I used to spend a few weeks every summer with our grandparents. We would be thoroughly spoiled, and England really was a foreign country to a child coming from Ireland in those days.
But if there was one place I would love to go back to it would be Tibet. (Tamworth isn't the same without my grandparents:icon_rolleyes:).
Must be the first time someone has mentioned Tamworth anywhere, mind it could be worse and could be Nuneaton (one of my mates lives there) and it's like the land that time forgot...
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