Closed UK Pass Around: Bunny Razor V3 - Finished.

First shave with the Bunny.

Bunny Razor with 'Notso' comb.
Chinese Schick blade.
Martin de Candre Soap.
Noxema as pre-shave.
Alum block.
Myrsol Plastic Shave.

I keep some facial hair so I have no view about under the nose shaving!

I found the shave angle to be, as expected, very narrow. This is similar to many injectors and is not necessarily a bad thing, as it gives a high degree of control. Acoustic feedback was quite enough to confirm a good angle without being unusually loud.

The set-back blade coupled to the flat top of the razor resulted in a very upright razor angle being needed. This angle resulted in the need to adopt a completely different grip on the razor and not one that felt completely comfortable. I think a longer handle would have helped. This is unusual for me as I am a confirmed short handle user.

All this being said, the shave itself was excellent. BBS result, even on the difficult areas! I got slight irritation on the neck but this would be normal for me on 'new blade' day anyway, so I'm not concerned about it.

My view at his early stage is that the results from this razor are first-rate but the feeling 'in the hand' is not great. I think that the razor would be improved by either a somewhat longer handle or a cranked head to allow the handle to be less upright while shaving.

I'm not going to post a day-by-day shave log, so I will post again at the end of the trial or when I have something to report. I'll stick with the 'Notso' comb for the moment as it is doing the job well and I feel the 'Wild' might be a bit much.
The Shaving Angle is very much Like a Schick Repeater..Its Built into the Design of the particular injector..To change the Head in anyway would require a Different Design Altogether..:p

The Shaving Angle is very much Like a Schick Repeater..Its Built into the Design of the particular injector..To change the Head in anyway would require a Different Design Altogether..:p

Just stating what I think, Billy. Not suggesting a complete redesign! That would be a bit much. :eek:
The Bunny is now on its way to Rowlers and my thoughts are as follows.

1. Great to see a new injector!
2. Excellent smooth shave, very like vintage injectors. 'Notso' comb feels like 'Schick 'E' or 'G' and I felt that 'Wild' would be too much for me.
3. Good looks! Shape is pleasing and razor possesses an elegant simplicity.

1. The right-angle set of the blade coupled to significant set-back makes awkward spots hard to reach. I don't shave under the nose, but if I did, I imagine it would be tricky.
2. The VERY upright shaving angle makes this razor feel awkward in my hand. Although i adapted well enough to shave cleanly, I never got to feeling the angle was comfortable. This is a personal thing, and what bothered may may not bother others.

If this razor were available as a commercial offering I would not buy one, but that would be solely down to the personal issue of shaving angle. It is a very fine device and would, I feel, find a spot in the market for people less neurotic about angle than I. If I had one to waste, I might be tempted to test the malleability of Aluminium by putting it in a vice and bending the handle to bring the head about 30 degrees forward!

Many thanks to Tom and Andreas for making it possible to try this out. Much appreciated!
The Bunny V3 is on its way to @rowlers

  1. Nico1970
  2. Bechet
  3. globalm
  4. rowlers
  5. mpf9ret
  6. Burgundy
  7. Tall_Paul
  8. Boab
  9. Rufus Firefly
  10. Geofnay
  11. Sabre
  12. grarea
  13. missingskin
  14. Francorelli
  15. p.b
  16. UKRob
  17. barber bear
  18. Stacy555
  19. mikebrownington
The list is open.

Legend: Waiting, On the way to, Currently with, Completed
The Bunny is now on its way to Rowlers and my thoughts are as follows.

1. Great to see a new injector!
2. Excellent smooth shave, very like vintage injectors. 'Notso' comb feels like 'Schick 'E' or 'G' and I felt that 'Wild' would be too much for me.
3. Good looks! Shape is pleasing and razor possesses an elegant simplicity.

1. The right-angle set of the blade coupled to significant set-back makes awkward spots hard to reach. I don't shave under the nose, but if I did, I imagine it would be tricky.
2. The VERY upright shaving angle makes this razor feel awkward in my hand. Although i adapted well enough to shave cleanly, I never got to feeling the angle was comfortable. This is a personal thing, and what bothered may may not bother others.

If this razor were available as a commercial offering I would not buy one, but that would be solely down to the personal issue of shaving angle. It is a very fine device and would, I feel, find a spot in the market for people less neurotic about angle than I. If I had one to waste, I might be tempted to test the malleability of Aluminium by putting it in a vice and bending the handle to bring the head about 30 degrees forward!

Many thanks to Tom and Andreas for making it possible to try this out. Much appreciated!

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to try it out.

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to try it out.

Thanks Tom.

I just want to emphasise that my view is based on my own feeling on shave angle and are not intended to detract in any way from the quality work you have done. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Thanks Tom.

I just want to emphasise that my view is based on my own feeling on shave angle and are not intended to detract in any way from the quality work you have done. Thanks again for the opportunity.

I knew fully well that this razor will not agree with everybody. I was figuring if half the people that tried it, liked it. I would be a happy camper.

Besides, one can learn more from the cons than you can from the pros.


Bunny has arrived :)

Initial thoughts, after unboxing and pre shave:
  • Exquisite machining to superfine tolerances (Dad is a Toolmaker so I am very used to seeing such machining ;))
  • Much lighter than I expected
  • Combs slot in superbly and are simply and safe to change
  • Blade insertion is a piece of cake, as per any other injector
  • The spring, I doubt is going to last the distance, I obviously have no idea as to how tight the spring was at manufacture, but the blade is easily moved; however it is held in place and causes no issue at the moment. I'm sure Tom can advise here...
I don't really need a shave tonight after such a close one last night with the PAL, but I doubt I'll be able to resist!
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Sooo, to my 1st shave.....


As other has suggested the razor is almost horizontal in use, but the angle is really easy to find, no issues here...
I started with the MILD comb and actually found it quite aggressive; this could simply be the fact that that I was a little raw from the previous shave. It could also be that I have little experience with these Chick blades - they felt very sharp!?
2 passes WTG, XTG and a DFS is the result. Probably one of the closest 2 pass shaves I have achieved.
Handling wise, I don't have any issues, it is nicely weighted for me, handle length is perfectly satisfactory. I have no trouble under my rather large nose, an area I simply could not shave use the OneBlade!

1st I would rate as an irritated DFS.

Great work Tom @twhite510, stunning achievement ;)

I'll have a days shaving rest and report back for a 2nd shave on Thursday.

Bunny has arrived :)

Initial thoughts, after unboxing and pre shave:
  • Exquisite machining to superfine tolerances (Dad is a Toolmaker so I am very used to seeing such machining ;))
  • Much lighter than I expected
  • Combs slot in superbly and are simply and safe to change
  • Blade insertion is a piece of cake, as per any other injector
  • The spring, I doubt is going to last the distance, I obviously have no idea as to how tight the spring was at manufacture, but the blade is easily moved; however it is held in place and causes no issue at the moment. I'm sure Tom can advise here...
I don't really need a shave tonight after such a close one last night with the PAL, but I doubt I'll be able to resist!

Thanks for the kind words.

As for the spring, if you find it a bit loose please let me know. I have a quick fix for that. All you will need is some tape and a pair of pliers. When I assembled them I left a .1mm gap for ease of loading a blade. In hind sight. I should not have done that.

Two other razors I had the person fix. Super easy.

Sooo, to my 1st shave.....


As other has suggested the razor is almost horizontal in use, but the angle is really easy to find, no issues here...
I started with the MILD comb and actually found it quite aggressive; this could simply be the fact that that I was a little raw from the previous shave. It could also be that I have little experience with these Chick blades - they felt very sharp!?
2 passes WTG, XTG and a DFS is the result. Probably one of the closest 2 pass shaves I have achieved.
Handling wise, I don't have any issues, it is nicely weighted for me, handle length is perfectly satisfactory. I have no trouble under my rather large nose, an area I simply could not shave use the OneBlade!

1st I would rate as an irritated DFS.

Great work Tom @twhite510, stunning achievement ;)

I'll have a days shaving rest and report back for a 2nd shave on Thursday.
The Chick Blades are more Sharper than the Personna Blades in my experience & they Do Feel Exceedingly Sharp in the Bunny for some Reason..An NOS blade in the Bunny doesn't perform as well a Chick blade which is very Unusual..The Chick blade is the Optimal Blade for the Bunny even though it does perform well with any blade that I used in it..:D

2nd Shave...
Dived straight into the WILD comb...
The blade lost its scratchy sharpness for this 2nd outing..
2 days growth swiped away with ease.
One pass = DFS
Two pass = near BBS.
3rd pass, to be honest wasn't much of an improvement, so good were the first 2 passes..
However, the ATG was a little uncomfortable for me with the WILD comb; it just felt to "bitey" ATG, where as it was perfectly comfortable and smooth WTG and and XTG...
So far this a modern Injector to rival ALL the others...
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