What made your day a good one


Well, I am pretty sick and have been for quite a while now. Some breathing problems because of various COPD related issues have made my lifestyle very limited regarding getting out and about and last November I was scheduled for a fairly major procedure called LVRS. There was a LOT of tests I hadda take, plus many hours of physical therapy to build up my strength in advance, but sadly I was unable to have that done because of other complications that are gone now.

So, once again I was on the waiting list early this year, having undergone more testing and finally recently got the date for going under the knife, it being September 11th with any luck. Still more tests before a final ok so who the hell knows and oh yeah, another 30 hours of PT (cardio mostly) completed. Jeez I really hate to exercise.

This operation may or may not help a good bit....no guarantees, but it's my best shot at having a somewhat normal life again after 7 years of being in a continually slow downward health spiral. It's encouraging to see some positive news again.

See what happens I guess,

Hope all goes well for you

Well, I am pretty sick and have been for quite a while now. Some breathing problems because of various COPD related issues have made my lifestyle very limited regarding getting out and about and last November I was scheduled for a fairly major procedure called LVRS. There was a LOT of tests I hadda take, plus many hours of physical therapy to build up my strength in advance, but sadly I was unable to have that done because of other complications that are gone now.

So, once again I was on the waiting list early this year, having undergone more testing and finally recently got the date for going under the knife, it being September 11th with any luck. Still more tests before a final ok so who the hell knows and oh yeah, another 30 hours of PT (cardio mostly) completed. Jeez I really hate to exercise.

This operation may or may not help a good bit....no guarantees, but it's my best shot at having a somewhat normal life again after 7 years of being in a continually slow downward health spiral. It's encouraging to see some positive news again.

See what happens I guess,


Good luck with your recovery Martin.

Well, I am pretty sick and have been for quite a while now. Some breathing problems because of various COPD related issues have made my lifestyle very limited regarding getting out and about and last November I was scheduled for a fairly major procedure called LVRS. There was a LOT of tests I hadda take, plus many hours of physical therapy to build up my strength in advance, but sadly I was unable to have that done because of other complications that are gone now.

So, once again I was on the waiting list early this year, having undergone more testing and finally recently got the date for going under the knife, it being September 11th with any luck. Still more tests before a final ok so who the hell knows and oh yeah, another 30 hours of PT (cardio mostly) completed. Jeez I really hate to exercise.

This operation may or may not help a good bit....no guarantees, but it's my best shot at having a somewhat normal life again after 7 years of being in a continually slow downward health spiral. It's encouraging to see some positive news again.

See what happens I guess,

Just seen this post - blimey Martin, what a time you've been having. Hope it all goes well with the treatment and recovery.

Got back the last couple test results and I passed em both, so next Wednesday is the big day for the LVRS. Hospital recovery time is about one week to a month, depending on complications.

I've had other operations for serious stuff but this procedure's gonna wipe me out for quite a while. Might try looking into renting a helper monkey to shave me during home recovery. Maybe teach it to make omelettes also.


Got back the last couple test results and I passed em both, so next Wednesday is the big day for the LVRS. Hospital recovery time is about one week to a month, depending on complications.

I've had other operations for serious stuff but this procedure's gonna wipe me out for quite a while. Might try looking into renting a helper monkey to shave me during home recovery. Maybe teach it to make omelettes also.



Finally had the operation Tuesday night. Had to wait all day while the doc was doing an unexpected morning started lung transplant when the organ became available. I had understood that delay might occur so no problem waiting until 5pm for my turn.

Now I am pretty sure I never disclosed just how bad things were with me. As an idea, there's a COPD scale showing different stages in the progression of things and I was pretty close to the very worst condition. Took me 5 difficult minutes to get dressed or undressed, with a stop or two along the way. Many days I was just breathing so crappily (medical term) that I couldn't even get to the car and drive somewhere. Anyway, I won't dwell on that sorta thing in this post.

Most of TSR history has been lost for whatever the reason, so let me say after many years of serious sampling and joining all of the shaving crap forums, this place was where I ended up making my home. That was ten years ago and this place has gone through some fairly major.......stuff, and it survived those issues but at a cost. Once again, nothing I care to expend energy typing about.

I consider some members here to be a treat typing at and being typed to. Some are funny and witty, some are helpful and enjoy doing that kinda stuff. Doesn't matter what the reason, since my point is they are considered a friend of mine.

Oh man, TSR was crazy fun at one time and for quite a while. Talk about almost anything goes....this site was the best! Hah, politics was taboo and a few other subjects but otherwise pretty much wide open. Language was very permissive and that was a riot. Nope, not even close to that now but what the heck.

The lung procedure has been a life transforming sorta experience. Pretty much going from a well on my way to being bedridden to having no shortness of breath!! Starting the day after surgery I noticed a quite positive change regarding taking a deep breath and breathing in general was a lot less of an effort. After a couple days things started becoming amazingly wonderful. While recovering in the hospital I had no desire for any tv or going to my usual sites. Did not open my laptop at all. It was just minor interruptions from various docs and nurses, and the rest of my day was just concentrating on how great it was to not be gasping for air or feeling crappy because of the energy needed. Sheesh.

Yep, just marveling at each in and out movement and how I had been given the most amazing gift......whew. Laying there, appreciating each moment. It was OK.

That's it then. I appreciate y'all for letting me be so damn verbose. Not all that many people I can talk with at this point , for whatever the reasons.

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Finally had the operation Tuesday night. Had to wait all day while the doc was doing an unexpected morning started lung transplant when the organ became available. I had understood that delay might occur so no problem waiting until 5pm for my turn.

Now I am pretty sure I never disclosed just how bad things were with me. As an idea, there's a COPD scale showing different stages in the progression of things and I was pretty close to the very worst condition. Took me 5 difficult minutes to get dressed or undressed, with a stop or two along the way. Many days I was just breathing so crappily (medical term) that I couldn't even get to the car and drive somewhere. Anyway, I won't dwell on that sorta thing in this post.

Most of TSR history has been lost for whatever the reason, so let me say after many years of serious sampling and joining all of the shaving crap forums, this place was where I ended up making my home. That was ten years ago and this place has gone through some fairly major.......stuff, and it survived those issues but at a cost. Once again, nothing I care to expend energy typing about.

I consider some members here to be a treat typing at and being typed to. Some are funny and witty, some are helpful and enjoy doing that kinda stuff. Doesn't matter what the reason, since my point is they are considered a friend of mine.

Oh man, TSR was crazy fun at one time and for quite a while. Talk about almost anything goes....this site was the best! Hah, politics was taboo and a few other subjects but otherwise pretty much wide open. Language was very permissive and that was a riot. Nope, not even close to that now but what the heck.

The lung procedure has been a life transforming sorta experience. Pretty much going from a well on my way to being bedriied to having no shortness of breath!! Starting the day after surgery I noticed a quite positive change regarding taking a deep breath and breathing in general was a lot less of an effort. After a couple days things started becoming amazingly wonderful. While recovering in the hospital I had no desire for any tv or going to my usual sites. Did not open my laptop at all. It was just minor interruptions from various docs and nurses, and the rest of my day was just concentrating on how great it was to not be gasping for air or feeling crappy because of the energy needed. Sheesh.

Yep, just marveling at each in and out movement and how I had been given the most amazing gift......whew. Layng there, appreciating each moment. It was OK.

That's it then. I appreciate y'all for letting me be so damn verbose. Not all that many people I can talk with at this point , for whatever the reasons.

First time we've spoken Martin but I'm glad your health is on the mend.
YAY for you Morton, looks like I don't get to inherit your mohair merkin just yet, which is pretty goodly news. I'll make a special effort to be rather more politically indiscreet and offensive now I realise that you're missing the slightly more edgy TSR this used to be.
Get well soon ole buddy, the kinda grizzled, grey, badger like stubble we grow screams for a nice, soapy, close shave. Although, you may feel you've just had quite a close shave enough to be going on with !


Been two weeks since that life changing procedure and things just keep getting better. Walked one mile today without distress or being outta breath. Heh, my dinky legs got a little tired but that was it! Now changing my gait from an old geezer shuffle to walking upright and normally. Pretty amazing transformation.

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