Occam’s SE Razor

Mike Smart

Edinburgh Scotland
Hi lads just wondering if anyone out there has tried the above razor & what their thoughts are ?
i know changing the plates out can be a bit tricky as you have to use a screwdriver but that doesn’t faze me.
i didn’t want to go down the SE route as my head is so deep in the DE but i’m intrigued with this razor.
Any advice/thoughts would be good.
I have all the Occams Razors, but assume you mean the V1 and Oren. I very soon established that fir me they worked best on a 3 dot plate, so there is little point changing plates. I have a strong need to Shave daily beard, and find that I get quite good quality Shaves with them. You can vary the aggression by using different blades if you wish.
I have all the Occams Razors, but assume you mean the V1 and Oren. I very soon established that fir me they worked best on a 3 dot plate, so there is little point changing plates. I have a strong need to Shave daily beard, and find that I get quite good quality Shaves with them. You can vary the aggression by using different blades if you wish.
Yes the Oren is the one
Like yourself i would probably stick with one plate if i can call it a plate.
Shaving wise are there any comparisons you could make with any other se or would you say they are much of a much ness with the rest ?
Also they seem to be quite unobtainable although iv found one american site that has them.
I’m on the fence as to whether i want to go down the se road but i do like the look of this razor, fairly unique
Shaving wise are there any comparisons you could make with any other se or would you say they are much of a much ness with the rest ?
Also they seem to be quite unobtainable although iv found one american site that has them.
I’m on the fence as to whether i want to go down the se road but i do like the look of this razor, fairly unique
It's a little difficult to directly compare it to other razors, because of the way the blade is held in the head.
I found both the two and three dots top plates to be pretty just fine, although I use one of them with the Nano handle.
Shave-wise, it's a very smooth razor, the angle is pretty intuitive, and like others have said, it's pretty difficult to clog it.

Of the AC club razors I had, I only kept the Oren and RazoRock Hawk v3 OC and sold the rest.
They're good razors Mike but I wouldn't say they're worth the faff of getting one from the States when you can get a Hawk or a Claymore here with ease and a similar price.
I know ultimately it’s all about the shave but the Occam just seems to have me captured at the moment,
There’s an air of mysticism about it lol
@Mike Smart - Hi, I bought the Enhanced Nano in 2019; a great SE razor, have not used her for a while; I remember you have to bend the blade slightly to insert - and that seems to add to the quality of the shave.

A very well made razor; easy to get the shave angle with - the 2 dot head works best for me.

If you get the opportunity, I say give SE shaving a try; I never thought I would shift from DE - it's different - just as fun.

All the best,

@Mike Smart - Hi, I bought the Enhanced Nano in 2019; a great SE razor, have not used her for a while; I remember you have to bend the blade slightly to insert - and that seems to add to the quality of the shave.

A very well made razor; easy to get the shave angle with - the 2 dot head works best for me.

If you get the opportunity, I say give SE shaving a try; I never thought I would shift from DE - it's different - just as fun.

All the best,

Thanks Chris. it’s not that i don’t want to get in to se it’s just the fact i don’t want to go down another rabbit hole & i know what i’m like.
Now that doesn't mean i won’t get in to it :ROFLMAO:i’m perhaps delaying the inevitable.
Now getting back to the razor.
i watched a video today regarding bending of the blade.
Apparently it’s not necessary but some razors have a touch of blade chatter & bending it eliminates this but you’ll know better than me.
If just told my wife that you said iv to buy a se razor lol
your in the bad books :p
Thanks Chris. it’s not that i don’t want to get in to se it’s just the fact i don’t want to go down another rabbit hole & i know what i’m like.
Now that doesn't mean i won’t get in to it :ROFLMAO:i’m perhaps delaying the inevitable.
Now getting back to the razor.
i watched a video today regarding bending of the blade.
Apparently it’s not necessary but some razors have a touch of blade chatter & bending it eliminates this but you’ll know better than me.
If just told my wife that you said iv to buy a se razor lol
your in the bad books :p
Mike, I think your right on bend the blade to get rid of the blade chatter - that rings a bell.

It's good to be a marked man :)
Well Lads after a coupl of months of swaying back & forward iv eventually took the plunge & bought one.
The Oren is back in stock after a long delay.

What’s everyone’s preferred blade ?
and how many shaves per blade roughly do you get ?
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