Things you don't see anymore

'Strike anywhere' matches. Such as Swan Vestas ('The Smoker's Match'), which could be ignited by rubbing against any rough surface (such as the back of someone's neck). They were banned in the EU in 2018.

Gillette blade cases were designed to serve as match holders when empty, and had a ridged base for striking the match on. Little adverts for the blades, carried around by smokers.

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Does anyone read the newspaper now days?

Here in the US I see them for sale in a mini mart or grocery store.

But never see anyone read one at work, on the bus or anywhere in public.
We have free morning newspapers which are or were popular. I haven't read a newspapers in years, even the free Metro.
Kid’s playing in the park

I see more homeless people in the park than kids now days. Kind of sad.

Maybe I just answered my own question.
I lived near a playground until recently, the annoying thud of a basketball could be heard way past my bedtime.

Does anyone pay for anything using real money any more?

Very rarely ... barely ever use my bank card either.

Sainsbury had a glitch a month or so back (it affected a few retailers) whereby smart payments could not be accepted and so I had to use my actual card. It comes as a nice surprise every now and again to find that emergency £100 tucked into my minimal wallet (just two bank cards and my driving license) ... but it passes when I wonder where I'd use it.
Very rarely ... barely ever use my bank card either.

Sainsbury had a glitch a month or so back (it affected a few retailers) whereby smart payments could not be accepted and so I had to use my actual card. It comes as a nice surprise every now and again to find that emergency £100 tucked into my minimal wallet (just two bank cards and my driving license) ... but it passes when I wonder where I'd use it.
It's forcing those 'down on their luck' into more imaginative strategies. I was approached by a young man recently, and was ready to deploy my standard 'sorry, I don't carry any change' response. He actually asked me straight off if I'd buy him some water and a bag of crisps.
Nope I have a Ridge wallet with 3 cards and my driving licence installed with a £20 cash under the note band for emergencies. My pocket has never felt so good for it.

Does anyone pay for anything using real money any more?
Yes, I live in a town where there are a couple of small independent shops (grocer, baker etc.) that prefer cash payments, so I always use cash there, even if it means using an ATM in the local co-op to get it. This ATM is the last place in my town where you can withdraw cash after the last bank pulled out a few months ago.
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