The test of time

Evening all, hope you're well.

I rock a beard these days but dip in and out of the forum to check out all the different musings.

Over the past week I've went back to the old shaving den to go down memory lane and use the gear just to tidy up around the beard.

First shave using fine snakebite was a bitter dissapointment...I'm not sure how long it's been...maybe 2 years? But the soap had no bite and the lather was poor. Suppose you can't expect much after that length of time sitting on a shelf so it's ended up as a beside the sink hand-wash soap.


Second shave and trying an old favourite - Signature Soaps Eboracum...deary me. Like the day and hour I bought it. Smell fantastic and lather unbelievable. Definitely brought back some covid days dejavu spending all my money on shaving gear and waiting for what felt like an age for Royal Mail to deliver it. Good times!

Let's hope some of my other soaps have stood the test of time as well as Signature soaps have.

Some soaps do seem to perform less well over time, and certainly most lose some of their scent, but others just pick up where they left off. I had a puck of Saponificio Varesino which I took away on a holiday, then put safely away and forgot about for three years or so. It performed just as well after that period as it had before.
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The only bad experience I've had was when I put Cyril R Salter Indian Sandlewood cream in the fridge because I thought it would keep better. It develped small bubbles and holes which looked like it was fermenting so it went in the bin. So now I don't put cream nor soap in the fridge and all is well.
I keep all my stuff on a rack in the bedroom, nothing should need refrigerating as far am I am aware (my wife would kill me for taking up all the space with how many I have) and probably why yours went funny.
How are you getting on with the Romulus?
Evening all, hope you're well.

I rock a beard these days but dip in and out of the forum to check out all the different musings.

Over the past week I've went back to the old shaving den to go down memory lane and use the gear just to tidy up around the beard.

First shave using fine snakebite was a bitter dissapointment...I'm not sure how long it's been...maybe 2 years? But the soap had no bite and the lather was poor. Suppose you can't expect much after that length of time sitting on a shelf so it's ended up as a beside the sink hand-wash soap.


Second shave and trying an old favourite - Signature Soaps Eboracum...deary me. Like the day and hour I bought it. Smell fantastic and lather unbelievable. Definitely brought back some covid days dejavu spending all my money on shaving gear and waiting for what felt like an age for Royal Mail to deliver it. Good times!

Let's hope some of my other soaps have stood the test of time as well as Signature soaps have.

So glad to hear this. Best Regards, Brian
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