Mental Health Awareness

My routine is work, buy stuff, sleep and repeat.
I have fallen out with a friend, I shall move on.
I have an ex who I chat with on WhatsApp, they only respond and never initiate. So I have decided to see how long I not required in her life...

It's been a while since there's been anything posted here, how are you fellas getting on?

Losing my job now due to budget cuts. Only found out yesterday so Im now frantically looking for something.
Ive worked with children for so long now I dont really know what else to do. Maybe I should finally get teacher training??

Apart from that...been trying to get out a bit more. Motivation is lacking but have been going on walks. Bought some binoculars to do a bit of sight seeing
I do have a plus. I have a medical condition caused by diabetes. I haven't mentioned it to a GP, as I am between practices. This causes depression in the men that have the condition
I wasn't happy about it, but I may have found a solution that involves getting a behind the counter medication which you are only allowed 12 at a time. Apparently 6 of these a day may improve my condition. Well I took 4 at the weekend and I saw an improvement. Woo hoo.

So now I buying from online pharmacies one pack at time with the price doubled by postage.

I will hit my local pharmacies at the weekend.
Losing my job now due to budget cuts. Only found out yesterday so Im now frantically looking for something.
Ive worked with children for so long now I dont really know what else to do. Maybe I should finally get teacher training??

Apart from that...been trying to get out a bit more. Motivation is lacking but have been going on walks. Bought some binoculars to do a bit of sight seeing
I assume your in a council socal care position. Are there any charities you could work with?
I assume your in a council socal care position. Are there any charities you could work with?

Yep. Fostering support worker.
I cant really understand (nor can other social workers) why the higher ups are getting rid of the only person who does what I do. There is no one to replace me, and once I am gone, foster carers arent going to get that support that have maintained placements over the years. I expect it will backfire in a few months when more and more placements break down.

Havent considered charities but I will have a look
I've been back at work since April/May and things have been OK. I temporarily moved department and it's been loads better. Which really underlines for me that the problem is that role, not me. However the department I moved to only needed me for the summer, so I have some uncertainty about what's next. But at least I'm continuing to improve physically and mentally. I feel near enough back to 'normal' (for me). I will be more careful not to let work burn me out again, now I know how it happens and the consequences.
I've been back at work since April/May and things have been OK. I temporarily moved department and it's been loads better. Which really underlines for me that the problem is that role, not me. However the department I moved to only needed me for the summer, so I have some uncertainty about what's next. But at least I'm continuing to improve physically and mentally. I feel near enough back to 'normal' (for me). I will be more careful not to let work burn me out again, now I know how it happens and the consequences.
Great news, when you know what's dragging you down it's much easier to avoid in the future.

I’m much too fat presently and am recovering from a nasty lung infection which required 2 doses of antibiotics.

Breathing was shockingly shite causing major coughing fits followed by loss of balance, near loss of consciousness and lingering dizziness. Two different inhalers gave little respite and neither did a dose of steroids. Nasal spray and time seem to be winning through but chufff me! It’s taking its sweet time to fork off.

All the above has taken its toll mentally but I’m back outside making a nuisance of myself in the ‘gairden’. It’s more like Steptoe’s yard to be frank. But I’m not Frank so there.

Raking out mortar tomorrow then repointing. Bloody professionals! Give me a keen and knowledge amateur any day.

My dissociation is playing fucky fuckerson with daily life and it’s been hard to tell whether my evil twin or my true self is at the controls.

I hope everyone is managing to keep plugging away in the face of their adversities. A two fingered salute and loud swearing seems to help if but a little.
I’m much too fat presently and am recovering from a nasty lung infection which required 2 doses of antibiotics.

Breathing was shockingly shite causing major coughing fits followed by loss of balance, near loss of consciousness and lingering dizziness. Two different inhalers gave little respite and neither did a dose of steroids. Nasal spray and time seem to be winning through but chufff me! It’s taking its sweet time to fork off.

All the above has taken its toll mentally but I’m back outside making a nuisance of myself in the ‘gairden’. It’s more like Steptoe’s yard to be frank. But I’m not Frank so there.

Raking out mortar tomorrow then repointing. Bloody professionals! Give me a keen and knowledge amateur any day.

My dissociation is playing fucky fuckerson with daily life and it’s been hard to tell whether my evil twin or my true self is at the controls.

I hope everyone is managing to keep plugging away in the face of their adversities. A two fingered salute and loud swearing seems to help if but a little.
Don't breathe any mortar dust! Get better and kick yer evil twin in the arse. (y)
I’m much too fat presently and am recovering from a nasty lung infection which required 2 doses of antibiotics.

Breathing was shockingly shite causing major coughing fits followed by loss of balance, near loss of consciousness and lingering dizziness. Two different inhalers gave little respite and neither did a dose of steroids. Nasal spray and time seem to be winning through but chufff me! It’s taking its sweet time to fork off.

All the above has taken its toll mentally but I’m back outside making a nuisance of myself in the ‘gairden’. It’s more like Steptoe’s yard to be frank. But I’m not Frank so there.

Raking out mortar tomorrow then repointing. Bloody professionals! Give me a keen and knowledge amateur any day.

My dissociation is playing fucky fuckerson with daily life and it’s been hard to tell whether my evil twin or my true self is at the controls.

I hope everyone is managing to keep plugging away in the face of their adversities. A two fingered salute and loud swearing seems to help if but a little.
I couldn't word my response better than Toby did!
Keeping the garden in tip top condition is also good for mind body and spirit though!
Take care bud.

I’m much too fat presently and am recovering from a nasty lung infection which required 2 doses of antibiotics.

Breathing was shockingly shite causing major coughing fits followed by loss of balance, near loss of consciousness and lingering dizziness. Two different inhalers gave little respite and neither did a dose of steroids. Nasal spray and time seem to be winning through but chufff me! It’s taking its sweet time to fork off.
Hey good buddy,

Don't be such a sissy boy! You wanna hear something gruesome that will cheer you up by comparison?

I've never mentioned my own little breathing issues but maybe it's a good time, seeing as how I'm onna downward spiral of sorts. Yeah, it's probably related to my 50 years of smoking unfiltered cigs.

So I was in really bad shape back in 2013 and quit smoking cold turkey. It's easy if the alternative is dying a horrific death soon. Had to retire and move in with relatives in 2016 which is where I am now.

I had a major operation in 2019 called LVRS, which stands for lung volume reduction surgery. Luckily I qualified for the procedure...only 10% of people with my illness are accepted and the requirements are tough. Needed about 75 hours of physical therapy to build up my strength with lots of exams and doctor visits. Heh, I hate to exercise but no choice.

The top 1/3 of each lung was removed and thankfully no complications occurred. The difference was immediately felt in an amazing way. Breathing was great right away!! Couldn't believe the results. The operation gave me 2 years of unobstructed wonderfulness but after 2 years it wore off. Now I'm where I was before and am listed as day to day...heh.

I now use steroids again when needed, plus 2 inhalers and two biologic injections per month. Those shots run around $5000-6000 per month which my insurance covers thank God. Sadly they don't make me feel any better but keep me from getting even worse. Next option is a lung transplant, which I will skip for sure.

Not asking for pity, since it was my own doing. Smoking used to be glamorous....hehe.

So, I got you beat when it comes to inhale/exhale stuff.

How's that sound?
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Let me just mention seeing some references here to serotonin related meds and the effects on some people's attitude. I'll just say that personally, that juice hits me just right and it's worth looking into.
Hey good buddy,

Don't be such a sissy boy! You wanna hear something gruesome that will cheer you up by comparison?

I've never mentioned my own little breathing issues but maybe it's a good time, seeing as how I'm onna downward spiral of sorts. Yeah, it's probably related to my 50 years of smoking unfiltered cigs.

So I was in really bad shape back in 2013 and quit smoking cold turkey. It's easy if the alternative is dying a horrific death soon. Had to retire and move in with relatives in 2016 which is where I am now.

I had a major operation in 2019 called LVRS, which stands for lung volume reduction surgery. Luckily I qualified for the procedure...only 10% of people with my illness are accepted and the requirements are tough. Needed about 75 hours of physical therapy to build up my strength with lots of exams and doctor visits. Heh, I hate to exercise but no choice.

The top 1/3 of each lung was removed and thankfully no complications occurred. The difference was immediately felt in an amazing way. Breathing was great right away!! Couldn't believe the results. The operation gave me 2 years of unobstructed wonderfulness but after 2 years it wore off. Now I'm where I was before and am listed as day to day...heh.

I now use steroids again when needed, plus 2 inhalers and two biologic injections per month. Those shots run around $5000-6000 per month which my insurance covers thank God. Sadly they don't make me feel any better but keep me from getting even worse. Next option is a lung transplant, which I will skip for sure.

Not asking for pity, since it was my own doing. Smoking used to be glamorous....hehe.

So, I got you beat when it comes to inhale/exhale stuff.

How's that sound?
Why not go for a lung transplant if needed?
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