Advice re selling a razor

I hope I’m not breaking any house rules on this, but wanted to ask advice re selling a razor. I can’t sell it on this forum, as I have insufficient posts to my name; 10 to be precise. I have given away, free, a couple of razors through the forum in the past, so have good ‘cred’, but this razor is a bit too expensive to take the same financial hit. What I’d like to know is if any retailers of shaving gear, razors specifically, buy unwanted used razors. Thanks for any assistance.
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I recently sold my Blackbird Machined on Ebay and got more money than I would have got on the forum. Worth it in my opinion.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I don’t do FB or eBay. I used to use the latter, but didn’t like and moved to selling stuff on Gumtree, which was easier. Gumtree doesn’t do shaving gear. Maybe time for another look at eBay, I guess.
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