Advice using R41 and after care

I looked in the mirror this morning with my 6 days of growth and couldn't face using a closed comb razor with my R41 right there! Although I was catching a flight this afternoon and meeting relatives so desperately wanted a nick free shave.I thought I would give it one more go - going easy to minimise the risk.

Pre shave was a shower inclusive of a face wash using some glycerin soap.

I went for 1 pass WTG with a fresh Nacet and touch ups and it was sensational. Took my time but didn't get distracted, focused on stretching the skin. Not a cut neither a bump, some blade feel but otherwise like mowing grass.

I always face lather and used 3p for the first pass then also tried executive shaving cream no fragrance for the touch ups.

As a side note, I was thoroughly impressed with ES's slickness and found it much smoother than 3p. Not to put down ES's product but I think this also means I could work the 3p better.

Going to assess my shaver on my return, realistically I think one pass could be the win!
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I looked in the mirror this morning with my 6 days of growth and couldn't face using a closed comb razor with my R41 right there! Although I was catching a flight this afternoon and meeting relatives so desperately wanted a nick free shave.I thought I would give it one more go - going easy to minimise the risk.

Pre shave was a shower inclusive of a face wash using some glycerin soap.

I went for 1 pass WTG with a fresh Nacet and touch ups and it was sensational. Took my time but didn't get distracted, focused on stretching the skin. Not a cut neither a bump, some blade feel but otherwise like mowing grass.

I always face lather and used 3p for the first pass then also tried executive shaving cream no fragrance for the touch ups.

As a side note, I was thoroughly impressed with ES's slickness and found it much smoother than 3p. Not to put down ES's product but I think this also means I could work the 3p better.

Going to assess my shaver on my return, realistically I think one pass could be the win!
It sounds like you might finally have it pretty much dialled in as the razor is indeed a single pass shave, I find the second pass is really chasing perfection but not strictly necessary.
Great! Well done. Its such a good razor once you nail it. Less is more, and that makes it really kind to your skin.

If that's the result on 6 days' worth, imagine how smooth you'll be after 1 or 2...
The saga continues...

Similar setup as before - I had another go couple of days ago, all was fine and no cuts. Put my glasses back on afterwards and the left hand side of my neck was littered with razor bumps!

Going to lay off it for a week and maybe have another go. Haven't got the consistency down yet, (un) fortunately I also really enjoyed using ED89 today as I recover! Makes me wonder if I do want to have another go

Comparing the two side by side I do enjoy the smoothness of the milder razor, I did feel at some points I was very much scraping the R41. Perhaps a skill issue!
The saga continues...

Similar setup as before - I had another go couple of days ago, all was fine and no cuts. Put my glasses back on afterwards and the left hand side of my neck was littered with razor bumps!

Going to lay off it for a week and maybe have another go. Haven't got the consistency down yet, (un) fortunately I also really enjoyed using ED89 today as I recover! Makes me wonder if I do want to have another go

Comparing the two side by side I do enjoy the smoothness of the milder razor, I did feel at some points I was very much scraping the R41. Perhaps a skill issue!

It may be that the '89 is easier or suits you more. But this hot weather can cause irritation when you shave if you're not drinking enough. I definitely notice it, not just with the R41.
Thank you for the offer! I'll try some of my less aggressive blades perhaps on my return . I have some Dorco Primes knocking around as a minimum
If your technique Is not correct with this razor a less keen blade won't fix it
I would Stay with the ED89 until you are really confident and relax with your shaving routine.
There is so much hype around the R41 a lot of new new shaver pick it up and set them selves
back a notch please don't take this the wrong way
Some time the more unforgiving DE,s are a step to far in your shaving journey
Get your technique down and enjoy your shaving its you time after all
Cheers mate
You're correct Vittoria and I think it is clear my technique is fully there yet, however I do see myself improving. I think the R41 has shown I can get away with a lot using the ED89 for the past years!

Rather than the title of this thread, perhaps I should rename it to "PeteyB learns to shave properly"

Using ED89 this week made me realise how inconvenient it has always been to use on my cleft chin! Getting the razor to mow down hair in the cleft and getting it tight with such a mild razor is not enjoyable.

So once again, I had another go last night with the r41, I used to same setup but looked specifically at my grip and the angle around my face. I was feeling pretty zen and had some time, I really took down the angle and focused on the glide around my face. 2x WTG around my face and neck - ended with a fantastic shave, some mild irritation on one side of my neck but no bumps, looks fine and happy this morning .

Back on the wagon, I think I'm going to try every evening or two (seems to be best time for my skin - nice and hydrated, good idea OrangeSport!). I'll use this thread as a little blog for odd queries as I go through

Thank you all thus far for your input and help, maybe I'll learn to shave properly after all this
Yesterday's shave - I held the razor like a pen throughout and really took my time, probs 30 mins all in to cut down 3 days worth of growth. This made a massive difference.

Very slight pinkness on right side of my neck, this morning I'm silky smooth and skin looks fine. I went WTG then XTG where possible and it's probably the closest I've ever gotten, couldn't even see hair follicles in some bits of my face.

Not sure if I stomach having another go this evening, I think the R41 may be best as a 2-3 razor for me due to aggressiveness and time I have available in my life
Keep at it. It’s one of those where your face and neck takes time to adjust I feel. However, would echo the tips about making sure you’re hydrated given the time of year and not trying to chase a perfect shave each time.

I remember when I first started using a Merkur Futur I had a fair bit of razor burn, which I never get, on my neck. For a while afterwards I never shaved across or against the grain on my neck with it. I braved it again eventually and low and behold no irritation. Convinced this was more of a my skin had adjusted factor than anything else.

I first used an R41 to get rid of a month long beard grown for Decembeard. This was 3.5 years after I’d started DE shaving. Sometimes I’ve used it and I haven’r really needed to do a second pass on my face.
If your technique Is not correct with this razor a less keen blade won't fix it
I would Stay with the ED89 until you are really confident and relax with your shaving routine.
There is so much hype around the R41 a lot of new new shaver pick it up and set them selves
back a notch please don't take this the wrong way
Some time the more unforgiving DE,s are a step to far in your shaving journey
Get your technique down and enjoy your shaving its you time after all
Cheers mate
Good honest advice, and a great post. Now that I have gained much required shaving confidence and my technique has vastly improved I can now pair my R41 with either aggressive & non-aggressive blades and get a close comfortable shave without being afraid to shave and without the fear of my shave ending in a blood shaving massacre. Good technique, shaving confidence and using the lightest of touch are the key with the R41, in fact it's the key to using any razor.

One of the most important lesson's I have taught myself is I now never aim for perfection with my shaves, as '"Perfection is the enemy of perfectly adequate". My over-zealous passion for perfection was the major unnecessary cause of irritation nicks, & cuts with my shaving.
One of the most important lesson's I have taught myself is I now never aim for perfection with my shaves, as '"Perfection is the enemy of perfectly adequate". My over-zealous passion for perfection was the major unnecessary cause of irritation nicks, & cuts with my shaving.
I still struggle with this fourteen years into the hobby!
I'm always trying to see if I can get just that little bit closer, against my better judgement. But if it starts to feel sore or I get a few weepers that usually brings me to my senses!
Hey folks,

Quick update for you all, I think I've nailed it and got everything down now. Had another couple of shaves this week with the same setup, zero irritation and silky smooth.

Added a couple more changes to my technique in addition to using the razor as a pen - I shave upwards on my neck until reaching the level around the top of my adam's apple, although it's not quite WTG as the hair on my neck seems to grow in all directs it seems preferable to shaving downwards . I limit myself to 2 passes WTG all around where possible. I could probably eek some XTG/ATG on my face but I think the risk of burn or cutting myself rockets so I'm just not going to bother and I am unfazed about the minimal gains.

R41 is a good razer, really enjoying using it more in the future. Blows the Henson and ED89 out the water

All the best
Hey folks,

Quick update for you all, I think I've nailed it and got everything down now. Had another couple of shaves this week with the same setup, zero irritation and silky smooth.

Added a couple more changes to my technique in addition to using the razor as a pen - I shave upwards on my neck until reaching the level around the top of my adam's apple, although it's not quite WTG as the hair on my neck seems to grow in all directs it seems preferable to shaving downwards . I limit myself to 2 passes WTG all around where possible. I could probably eek some XTG/ATG on my face but I think the risk of burn or cutting myself rockets so I'm just not going to bother and I am unfazed about the minimal gains.

R41 is a good razer, really enjoying using it more in the future. Blows the Henson and ED89 out the water

All the best
That's great mate nobody gets a perfect shave every time just enjoy it
To all members who would like to share their thoughts on their razor or razors
you can post it a new thread I have started .

Review Your Razors DE or SE Thread.​

I think most of us like to here about other members Razors
I think it would be good to have a place to go if you are looking for info
or want to see some one else favourite razor all in one place.
Its new threads that keep a great forum great.
Cheers All
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