Another convert!

Sunday December 9, 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
Just had my first shave with an Ever Ready 1912 kindly PIF'd by bigfatbloke (Kev) and am impressed! Nice close shave, great sound when cutting through the stubble (3-4 days growth) and no weepers or irritation! Surprisingly easy to manoeuvre given the head style. Missed a few little bits but am sure with practice will sort that out. Thanks again to Kev for his generosity! Now to stock up on Gem blades!
I love my 1912. The one I PIF'd to Michael was not in the greatest condition but still a decent shaver.

The thing I love about these as you can pick up one in great condition for very little money.
Still need to find a way to get at the little hairs just under my nose mind you - went at it from all angles and only marginally better so I won't sell my Progress just yet! I presume Gem are the only blades that fit without modifications? And Connaught's appears to be the only place that sells them? How many shaves do most people get per blade roughly?
Pull a snooty face, flaring your nostrils :D

In the UK, yes, Connaughts are the only place and the only blade for the 1912 family. In the States, there's Ted Pella. Otherwise, NOS blades.

Typically, I get 3 perfect shaves, the fourth passable. You can use the Feather single edge blades that Connaught sell in the later GEM/Ever Ready razors like the Featherlight, Contour & Contour II, a blessing since they are mild razors - the 'Tech' of the GEM/ER world.
I got my my first delivery of SE blades from Connaughts this week and had my first shave with a 1912 today. I must say its the closest, mildest shave ive had in a very long time (probably ever?) and the sound..........its like the smell of napalm in the morning. I cant understand why everyone is not using these and its taken me to almost 50 to discover them. I almost wish i tried it last now as i cant imagine a better shave and the remainder of me SE razor collection, which apart from my Gem bullet tip, ive not tried yet may now turn out to be a disappointment!
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