Are Vintage GEM SE Razors falling-out of favour.


Kent UK
I think that perhaps the love affair with Vintage Gem /SE Razors is on the wane. I like many others went overboard after I switched from DE Razors. In fact my best Shaves were delivered by the likes of am ER 1914/1924.
Like many others I somehow succumbed to the attraction of trying out AC/SE Razors, and tend to use them more than my Vintage ones.
Do others think that The " Oldies " are less popular these days.
Waves and phases ...

When I came to traditional shaving a decade ago, Wilkinson Sword Stickies were all the rage (get one for little more than a tenner now), vintage Gillette was a sound currency and I rather got the feeling that Gemer-Readies were on the ascendance. Yeah, I think the pendulum will swing back.

... and as @TobyC says the market is still very much there. The buyers are in the US - perhaps "we" are a tad more isolated globally than we were a decade ago, but again, that's working itself out.

Personally, from near daily 1912 shaving I've gone through phases. Probably next year I'll be off the DEs and back on the flip-tops.
I still love my 1912s and Micromatics and similar razors. I don't care if they fall out of favour with other people.
Since postage from the US has gone through the roof, buying most vintage GEM razors has become unattractive.
1912s are still the exception as they can be had from the UK for peanuts, but I don't need any more.
I'm down to my last 190 or so GEM blades and anxiety kicks in. It is time to restock perhaps.
AC razors have no soul, although occasionally I use an AC Kamisori-style razor.
I think that Gem has had its day, vintage or otherwise. The future in SE looks to be injector (Schick, supply, Parker, Taconic) and half DE blade (Parker Solo Edge, Leaf Twig/Thorn). The major problem is that U.K. retailers largely ignore SE razors but sell the blades. For example when I bought a Parker Solo Edge I had to order from Your Shaving in Spain because no U.K. retailer lists it.
I think that Gem has had its day, vintage or otherwise. The future in SE looks to be injector (Schick, supply, Parker, Taconic) and half DE blade (Parker Solo Edge, Leaf Twig/Thorn). The major problem is that U.K. retailers largely ignore SE razors but sell the blades. For example when I bought a Parker Solo Edge I had to order from Your Shaving in Spain because no U.K. retailer lists it.
GEM is eternal, with more and more being sold on ebay every day. Folks used to only buy the minty ones, now they're hungry for all of them. The lather catchers that work with the GEM blade used to be dirt cheap, now there are bidding wars to get them.
Once the bubble of new and shiny has burst, every man and his dog will be back to the ASR type. Whatever anyone might think of the volume of sales when it comes to these new types of razor, it's raindrops on the ocean when compared to ASR. Supply has been and will continue to be plentiful and one thing I know as a continued collector is that surprises do keep coming out of the woodwork!

When I've considered buying any new type of razor, I've looked through SOTD to see who is still using them (as I tend to be way behind the curve) and what I've seen is it's ... practically nobody. Maybe one, maybe two consistent though periodic users. That tells me all I need to know and I tend to move my thoughts on at that point. Fads come. Fads go.

What I do see is continued and abundant use of the real classics ... generally Gillette, generally the Tech. But that goes for ASR as well, where I can find numerous folks using their 1912s or Streamlines with reasonable frequency. The quiet majority? Yes, I think they've fallen out of favour but sure as eggs is eggs, they'll always be there.

... and I'd wager that the volume of sales of out of production 1912s still outstrips any single given modern niche razor.
They have their place, things fall in and out of favour as with all hobbies. But it seems they have stood the rest of time and as they as still in use, will be here to stay a while yet.

The only razor I am looking out for is a vintage SE to add to the pair of 1912s I have, I have lost interest in the newer DE stuff as it often seems the same handful of razors are reinvented. Vintage still seen to have that charm/appeal modern stuff just can't match
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