Black Tip Superspeed?

I've heard of and am familiar with the blue and red tipped super speeds, and expect the tips which are the same colour as the rest of the handle to be medium aggression, but what are the black handled ones like? Stumbled across one on Mr Razor and wondered why they were painted so?
From what I'm reading, other than the black tip being plastic and the handle being either aluminium or steel, the shave is not much different to the unpainted ones. Is that the case?
NotTheStig said:
I've heard of and am familiar with the blue and red tipped super speeds, and expect the tips which are the same colour as the rest of the handle to be medium aggression, but what are the black handled ones like? Stumbled across one on Mr Razor and wondered why they were painted so?

i have a cased one that i got last year, it was a christmas set by gillette...
the razor is aluminium and the tip is black plastic as you know, and it shaves like a regular USA Superspeed, in between a Red and a Blue.....



They're not all aluminium, I picked up an X2 the other week which has a steel handle.


I also have another one here - but not sure what date or construction that one is without digging it out. On Mr Razor's website, there are quite a few "variations" shown - slightly different constructions and/or weights.

I haven't yet had a shave with one so can't comment on how it compares to others.
I may give this one a go in the next few days or so - but still trying to get used to my R41 for the moment.
Hi I have both: an Al. one and a steel handled one. Gillette decided to actually come out with 4 different colors. The normal handle - being their standard; the red - being more aggressive; the blue - being a mild setting; and the black - being ?? The black. I don't really see any difference between the black and their standard. I think it was just a way to get around the 'brass' shortage caused by the Korean War.
The black came in 2 metals... Like the steel better.
If you need to pick one the Red is actually the best and Nicest of the bunch. That(red) also came in 2 handles. But it's only a minor difference. I think the red is the best Superspeed they made.
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