Blackland Adjustable DE Razor

September 22nd release at $350. I do like a Blackland but I'm just not sure about that adjustable mechanism with having to loosen the handle.

Did I hear correctly that you couldn't completely disassemble?
Looks like Blackland are going into direct competition with the likes of the Tatara Muramasa with the price tag on this one. Think Blackland make fantastic razors, but I’d struggle to justify spending $350, the postage from the States, plus the getting lamped with outlandish import duties, customs charges, handling, etc. I’ll be interested to see the reviews on this when it comes out though, and hope that one comes up on the BST at some point at a more affordable price.
I like adjustables, both old and new, and have several. This one looks interesting, although I need to understand the "3-piece" mechanics better than just a quick look gives me.

However, I'm with @Shaun48 over the cost. The base price is quite a lot, but comes out, at my reckoning, below the price of, for example, a Tatara. It's all the other stuff that's dumped on top by various bodies, and which adds near enough another £100 on top, if not more, that puts this into the "probably not" bracket for me.
A real nice Sunday morning shave with the Osprey. Easy on the skin while perhaps arguably, having the best useable range of gap options throughout its whole movement over other similarly priced adjustable razors. You like Gillette tech performance? 1-3 covers the whole Tech lineage. If you like Blackbird, Timeless .68-.95, Gillette New-Old, SC-LC and the like, 4-6+ fits them nicely. You want Ikon Tech, R41 type cutting ability while giving a much better feel on skin in terms of smoothness and ease of use? 7-9 on the Osprey has them covered without any harshness whatsoever. Do you need it? No, it’s not a need razor, just a want if one is looking for a premium razor that will cover your collection on shave range quite nicely. Yes, expensive in either Stainless Steel or Titanium alloy and I do feel for the shave brethren across the pond as it can get really pricey leaving the States. I’m not saying one should now sell off their collection and grab hold of one of these, no far from it. I’m only saying if you enjoy a premium product that is made to exacting tolerances while exhibiting quality craftsmanship and innovation, the Osprey can be and should be considered with some of the premium razors made today.

Great shaves to all…

The Osprey works very well with virtually any blade. Today the Minora just put this thing on cruise control for 2 lovely passes that were smooth & nicely efficient. A slight chin buff to get things right and all was golden. Excellent combo between the two that left me at a BBS level finish all around. For me, a fantastic performer….

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