Blackland's new Sabre

Superb shave today. This is my 11th shave with this particular GEM blade and it still feels fantastic on the skin and very effective on the whiskers. The L3 guard plate so far has been the best compromise of efficient yet smooth action over the L2 and significantly brings superior cutting performance over the OG L2 Sabre. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat myself again with this statement. The revamped Sabre with just the L1 & L2 guard plates are a nice improvement over the Original Sabre. And with the addition of the extra guard plate with 2 size options (L3 & L4), it puts this new Sabre into high performance cutting ability while still retaining refinement and more importantly ease of use. I truly believe that a novice can start very easily with this razor and in no time at all get acclimated to the shave characteristics that the new Sabre brings without much trouble at all. It provides excellent feedback at every stage of the guard plate offerings from daily shaver to seasoned vet shavers that want and desire the uptick in blade feel to tackle some really dense and tough whiskers. The changing of the plates has become practically second nature for me with tactile grip and comfort that rivals some of the best out there in terms of feel in hand plus maneuverability. Unfortunately, I can’t say an iota about the under the nose area as I maintain a mustache but, the solution is quite simple for most if the schnoze is a formidable obstacle in one’s shave regime. Just grab the beak with the offhand, turn or lift and problem solved. Some perhaps don’t feel comfortable with doing such a thing so, for them I don’t know if the new Sabre with its head design may prove to be a problem for that particular area. I have though read on a few forums and social media sites that many have found no issue with using the razor around & under the schnoze.

I can say without reservation that the new Sabre with its shave offerings has proven to be the best contemporary GEM razor I’ve ever used that combines the most important attributes that all wet shavers would require in efficiency, ease of use and ultimately providing comfortable shaves at any level of shave requirement per user.

I’ll keep going until this blade gives out for sure but, that could be quite a few more shaves. The blade has held up extremely well in this tool and also shows that the change in name/manufacturer has not changed a thing on how these GEM blades perform. New Sabre & GEM SS ptfe equals match made in shave heaven.

Innovation & performance. Hats off to Shane over at Blackland. They delivered the goods. I know, it’s not cheap and one can definitely get a very good shave with some of the great vintage GEM razors out there. However, stability & rigidity compared to this new Sabre & the OG can not be matched by the GEM’s of yesteryear. I can’t speak for the Wolfman Gem WR3 as I have not sampled it. The Vestige is an excellent shaver though it’s a very mild one (I only have the + plate version with maybe a +++ plate in the future) and is up there in the luxury price range that can cost 2 to 3 times as much as the new Sabre. I look at it this way. Blackland has made a 4 in 1 razor that in relative terms to today’s economy & shave market, one could argue that the new Sabre offers a very fair value in the exotic/luxury/performance field of razors and is perhaps the best bang for one’s dollar in not just the Single edge field but, in the boutique razor market regardless of format all together. As an investment in one’s shave regime, you could say and argue that it might deliver the soundest return in all of wet shavingdom.

It’s the best & ONLY 4 pc. razor that I own.


I've only had one shave with this polished beauty and already I know this is a winner, for me anyway.
I started on setting 3 with a fresh blade and to me it feels very much like the shave I get from my Ever-Ready Streamline, another wonderful razor.
I'm sure as the blade gets a couple of more shaves under it's belt it's going to be as smooth as butter to shave with.
I will carry on using this razor on 3 until the blade gives up and then I will try a fresh blade on 4 and see how that goes.
I love the look of the new Sabre and can't help to admire the bottom of the baseplate in the mirror as I shave, great angles going on there!
I'm pleased I opted for the polished razor, the polishing was done to a high standard and really makes it look like the high end razor it is.
I had the OG Sabre which I liked very much however I have to say the new and improved Sabre is streets ahead of the old one in my humble opinion.
Blackland have really produced a stunning looking razor that uses one of my favourite blades.
I'm one very happy monkey! :)

Superb shave today. This is my 11th shave with this particular GEM blade and it still feels fantastic on the skin and very effective on the whiskers. The L3 guard plate so far has been the best compromise of efficient yet smooth action over the L2 and significantly brings superior cutting performance over the OG L2 Sabre. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat myself again with this statement. The revamped Sabre with just the L1 & L2 guard plates are a nice improvement over the Original Sabre. And with the addition of the extra guard plate with 2 size options (L3 & L4), it puts this new Sabre into high performance cutting ability while still retaining refinement and more importantly ease of use. I truly believe that a novice can start very easily with this razor and in no time at all get acclimated to the shave characteristics that the new Sabre brings without much trouble at all. It provides excellent feedback at every stage of the guard plate offerings from daily shaver to seasoned vet shavers that want and desire the uptick in blade feel to tackle some really dense and tough whiskers. The changing of the plates has become practically second nature for me with tactile grip and comfort that rivals some of the best out there in terms of feel in hand plus maneuverability. Unfortunately, I can’t say an iota about the under the nose area as I maintain a mustache but, the solution is quite simple for most if the schnoze is a formidable obstacle in one’s shave regime. Just grab the beak with the offhand, turn or lift and problem solved. Some perhaps don’t feel comfortable with doing such a thing so, for them I don’t know if the new Sabre with its head design may prove to be a problem for that particular area. I have though read on a few forums and social media sites that many have found no issue with using the razor around & under the schnoze.

I can say without reservation that the new Sabre with its shave offerings has proven to be the best contemporary GEM razor I’ve ever used that combines the most important attributes that all wet shavers would require in efficiency, ease of use and ultimately providing comfortable shaves at any level of shave requirement per user.

I’ll keep going until this blade gives out for sure but, that could be quite a few more shaves. The blade has held up extremely well in this tool and also shows that the change in name/manufacturer has not changed a thing on how these GEM blades perform. New Sabre & GEM SS ptfe equals match made in shave heaven.

Innovation & performance. Hats off to Shane over at Blackland. They delivered the goods. I know, it’s not cheap and one can definitely get a very good shave with some of the great vintage GEM razors out there. However, stability & rigidity compared to this new Sabre & the OG can not be matched by the GEM’s of yesteryear. I can’t speak for the Wolfman Gem WR3 as I have not sampled it. The Vestige is an excellent shaver though it’s a very mild one (I only have the + plate version with maybe a +++ plate in the future) and is up there in the luxury price range that can cost 2 to 3 times as much as the new Sabre. I look at it this way. Blackland has made a 4 in 1 razor that in relative terms to today’s economy & shave market, one could argue that the new Sabre offers a very fair value in the exotic/luxury/performance field of razors and is perhaps the best bang for one’s dollar in not just the Single edge field but, in the boutique razor market regardless of format all together. As an investment in one’s shave regime, you could say and argue that it might deliver the soundest return in all of wet shavingdom.

It’s the best & ONLY 4 pc. razor that I own.

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It just shows how different we all are, as this has not been my experience at all.
It's certainly more efficient than my other 4 piece GEM, the ATT G1.

Have just shaved with the new iteration on the L1 bar as I used a fresh blade. I'll drop a review after a few shaves next week. I've been using the OG Sabre for years and use the Wolfman WR3 alot and enjoy the Vestige from Atelier Durdan. Plus a bunch of vintage GEMs.
I take from your comment you didn't get along with the Sabre?
It is true however that not everyone will get on with everything, that's life! :)

It's been a bit of a journey for me and will probably leave my thoughts on it some time next week.
I really want to try and pinpoint what's erking me, it could simply be that I am just not a Gem blade lover and prefer AC SE or DE shaving.
100% cracking razor design and stand and it definitely is a beauty.
It's been a bit of a journey for me and will probably leave my thoughts on it some time next week.
I really want to try and pinpoint what's erking me, it could simply be that I am just not a Gem blade lover and prefer AC SE or DE shaving.
100% cracking razor design and stand and it definitely is a beauty.

Let me say this - GEM blades can be horrific at the wrong angle, particularly when fresh. The angle does need to be steeper than you'd think and when you get the right angle, you can't feel the blade and it sorta feels wrong then ... and GEM blades come into their best after at least three full shaves.

That's all fine with a well established razor like the 1912 with no options and choices; you can learn to get the right angle and there's some consensus as to what that right angle is. With this Sabre razor, it's not only new to you, it's new to everyone ... and it's got options! I'd expect the need to run half a dozen blades through on one option to make a full and proper assessment ... and maybe then change plate and see how that affects things.

I'm actually of the belief that the level of aggression is not synonymous with the degree of efficiency as I can take something with a yawning blade gap and measurable presentation in one hand and another with only the thinnest slip of blade presentation and gap in the other and ... well, get shaved ... get the same shave after two passes. One will leave me wincing and not feeling like a shave for 48 hours, the other will leave me smiling and looking forward to my tomorrow shave.

... long way around to say that I'd look on those options in the guard as more a personal preference in the amount of blade feel, rather than having any actual effect upon the shave. Particularly with a GEM blade which is fiercly sharp and as I said above, can feel broken glass rough if you get the angle wrong.

With that in mind, I'd go back to the milder option on the guard and get to know the razor and get to know the angle.

I've had quite a break from GEM razor shaving and picking up my beloved Streamline week before last had a very bracing first shave which was more than just a fresh GEM - it was the wrong angle. Quite a scrape! Get my angle back on and it was lovely. I'll be putting that blade into my Bullet Tip next week, which is regarded as a very mild razor (actually, many of the reviews of the original Sabre made comparisons to the Bullet Tip) ... but it's not mild, it's just well engineered with minimal blade presentation and gap ... and at the right angle (which it intuitive) it shaves very well.

Stick with it! But yeah, give it a break for a while ... you were so excited about this razor, perhaps over-expectation has led to some impatience?
Stick with it! But yeah, give it a break for a while ... you were so excited about this razor, perhaps over-expectation has led to some impatience?
You know I was thinking the exact same thing to be honest.
With my love for the Vector and then the Blackbird the bar was set pretty high and perhaps that's were the fault lies.
Also the very reason why I have refrained from posting a full on opinion because I want to give it time and nail down my issues whether I resolve them or not but at least I could say I have given it a fair chance.
Everything might change in a couple of weeks ha ha.
Thank you for the in depth post with possible suggestions.
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It's been a bit of a journey for me and will probably leave my thoughts on it some time next week.
I really want to try and pinpoint what's erking me, it could simply be that I am just not a Gem blade lover and prefer AC SE or DE shaving.
100% cracking razor design and stand and it definitely is a beauty.
I think @pjgh summed it up perfectly so don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and keep an eye on your angles! :)

The L3 on Saturday with the L2 on both yesterday & today. That’s 13 shaves with this GEM blade and still it cuts smoothly, effectively and comfortably. 10 shaves is the number for me with GEMS, anything after that is just bonus territory. Today’s shave was simply marvelous. I can’t say anymore as I already sound like the biggest cheerleader or shill in the forum. However, I can’t emphasize enough how good this razor has performed for me these last couple of weeks. Listen, this is not a universal razor that everyone will take to instantly as that is an impossibility especially in the wet shave landscape. I will say that if one enjoys GEM bladed razors and is perhaps their preferred choice in shave exercise, the New Sabre would definitely be right up that individuals ally in shave performance & characteristics. Caveat being of course, is the price of entry and in that regard I can understand both pros & cons of the argument. There are plenty of GEM razors out there that will provide excellent shave results for 1/10 the cost of this Blackland offering. And I wouldn’t blame nor criticize a single shave soul who simply said it’s too expensive and not worth the investment. However, with a 30 day money back guarantee there is practically nothing to lose in simply trying one of the better razors out there regardless of blade format that provides quality craftsmanship, highly durable steel alloy, adjustable by simply changing/flipping the guard to suit ones tastes and customer service that to me and my experiences have become THE STANDARD for how an artisan manufacturer should run & maintain a business.

This Sabre for me has definitely bested the original at nearly every facet that one can think of. Usability, effectiveness, comfort and for me, it’s priced quite competitively in today’s economic market. You just have to experience it. Judge for yourself is all I can say. I think that a good majority would find this New Sabre a heck of a shaver for the $$$.

Great shaves to all…

Just a quick note. I’ve put in 16 shaves total with this one tonight and the GEM has delivered smoothly & effectively. I did feel a slight bit of tugging on the initial first two strokes but, it smoothed out from there and not a single issue nor shave drama to report. I’ll try one more and hopefully it can deliver another solid shave. If not, 16 is a real good number for me and in this new Sabre, it has exceeded my expectations on longevity as 10-12 shaves for me is an acceptable number and anything after is just gravy. Nearly a full month has gone by and sans a few weepers and minor irritation early on, this new/revamped Sabre has proven to be exceptional at every stage of the shave for me. L1, L2, L3 & L4 have gone from providing a mild yet efficient shave to mid-aggressive with an upgrade in blade feel & cutting effectiveness without losing shave composure or feeling out of the norm and unnatural. I say that and I can’t stress the fact that this is just my experience and I can not speak for anyone else. However, this razor in the L3 & L4 configuration will leave its mark if one gets too comfortable and forgets that this pup has teeth and with a GEM SS blade, one can make it ugly if there is a careless or nonchalant demeanor in using this razor. Those two plates are just stating the simple fact that if one wants a nice & deep shave, these two will get you there without a hitch. And with a good hand it will do it comfortably & easily.

Great shaves to all…

Just a quick note. I’ve put in 16 shaves total with this one tonight and the GEM has delivered smoothly & effectively. I did feel a slight bit of tugging on the initial first two strokes but, it smoothed out from there and not a single issue nor shave drama to report. I’ll try one more and hopefully it can deliver another solid shave. If not, 16 is a real good number for me and in this new Sabre, it has exceeded my expectations on longevity as 10-12 shaves for me is an acceptable number and anything after is just gravy. Nearly a full month has gone by and sans a few weepers and minor irritation early on, this new/revamped Sabre has proven to be exceptional at every stage of the shave for me. L1, L2, L3 & L4 have gone from providing a mild yet efficient shave to mid-aggressive with an upgrade in blade feel & cutting effectiveness without losing shave composure or feeling out of the norm and unnatural. I say that and I can’t stress the fact that this is just my experience and I can not speak for anyone else. However, this razor in the L3 & L4 configuration will leave its mark if one gets too comfortable and forgets that this pup has teeth and with a GEM SS blade, one can make it ugly if there is a careless or nonchalant demeanor in using this razor. Those two plates are just stating the simple fact that if one wants a nice & deep shave, these two will get you there without a hitch. And with a good hand it will do it comfortably & easily.

Great shaves to all…

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Nice write up, plate 3 for me provides the skin feel that I like afterwards and is the one I tend to stick with at the moment.
There's no denying that Shane definitely spent a lot of effort and time designing it and it definitely shows.
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