Blades no longer on sale at eBay

The Nanny State at work again. You want a razor sharp axe? No problem? What about a bill hook that makes a machete look like a toy? That’s fine. You want a good shave? Sorry but that’s evil and you should be ashamed for asking.

My eBay account will be closed permanently very soon. I’d rather have afternoon tea with Sicktator Mad Vlad Putin than shop with those ABSOLUTE FUCKING IDIOTS ever again!!! Grrrr!!!!
Perhaps messaging ebay sellers you've bought blades from previously might prove fortuitous?

It's stupid.

For someone who finds a stock of NOS Wilkinson or something, would put them on eBay. Now I imagine they will just be binned.
Shame on the vintage blade front ... real shame.

I can see the misunderstanding spreading to actual razors, rather than razor blades. Some years ago I was chastised by eBay for selling a CDR. I wasn't I relisted and was threatened with a ban. I wracked my brains as to what the heck they were seeing. Naturally, it was AI that was finding something wrong with my listing and the human could not provide any further assistance. I finally twigged! I had listed the serial number of the CD, which was CD-RED0123456789 or something like. I can see a lot of folks falling foul when selling razors.

Gotta say, the inability to buy a good kitchen knife on eBay (for many years now) has irked me.

So, we've to buy direct rather than marketplace middle-man ... meh!