Calling All ‘Fat’ Fans…

Keep strong my brethren and stray not from the true path. The Might of St. Mitchell together with the enlightenment found in the Hampshire Scrolls shall feed you, clothe you and ye shall not want...

JkCwRvH.jpg is it going for everyone. SOTDs seem to feature the obligatory MWF ceramic dish quite a lot! So far it's only momentary glances at other soaps...but it is not a week yet.
I have to admit I am struggling. I love a bit of the t'fat but I also love other soaps and enjoy the variety I have of having enough of them to allow for a different soap everyday for a month. Quite the opposite of Fat February.
I have to admit I am struggling. I love a bit of the t'fat but I also love other soaps and enjoy the variety I have of having enough of them to allow for a different soap everyday for a month. Quite the opposite of Fat February.
Be strong, before you reach out for another soap reach out to the brotherhood of the Fat for support, keep going there is only 28 days in February! :)


Pearl Flexi on 2.5
Astra SP (#2)
Semogue 820
Kent Fat

Second try with this soap (everything the same as yesterday except brush). The hardware delivered, but in spite of, rather than thanks to, this idiosyncratic lanolin.

Come on chaps, what's the secret? I nearly wore my arm and brush out trying to get some sort of lather from this. The brush had a decent soak, but I flicked most of the water out before loading. Tried bowl and face lathering but regardless of how much soap or water in the mix it dissipated halfway through the pass. With all these devoted fans it can't be the soap (despite the reputation) so what's the trick?

Seems like Mantic has done all the forum trawling for me. I think it's the blooming I left out.
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Day 3 for me in the Fat lane. I bloomed it for 5 minutes and tried the tips in Mantic's video. Also used my Moka Express synth which is an easy latherer, especially compared to some of the boar brushes I have. I got much better results although room for improvement still. Somehow made a hash of it today though and picked up quite a few weepers. I am a bit distracted by domestic affairs at the moment but even so, more red than I expected from the Astra SP. Whether it's the extra weight from the Flexi, less than perfect lather, or just me being crap today I don't really know. Still, an improvement and plenty more days of fat Feb to get this nailed.
Day 3 for me in the Fat lane. I bloomed it for 5 minutes and tried the tips in Mantic's video. Also used my Moka Express synth which is an easy latherer, especially compared to some of the boar brushes I have. I got much better results although room for improvement still. Somehow made a hash of it today though and picked up quite a few weepers. I am a bit distracted by domestic affairs at the moment but even so, more red than I expected from the Astra SP. Whether it's the extra weight from the Flexi, less than perfect lather, or just me being crap today I don't really know. Still, an improvement and plenty more days of fat Feb to get this nailed.
To be frank, Mantic's lather looked a bit lacking ... to me who prefers a yogurty thickness over foam.

I can't really add anything other than if you're using a synthetic brush you can just tip a half teaspoon of water onto the top of the puck and go straight in with a dry brush. Load up with 10-20 swirls in both directions and get building on your pre-soaked and re-splashed face. No magic to this, no pre-blooming, no funny dance in sheepskin chaps ... like riding a bike, it'll click ... and then you'll wonder how you ever couldn't do it.
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Pearl Flexi on 2.5
Astra SP (#2)
Semogue 820
Kent Fat

Second try with this soap (everything the same as yesterday except brush). The hardware delivered, but in spite of, rather than thanks to, this idiosyncratic lanolin.

Come on chaps, what's the secret? I nearly wore my arm and brush out trying to get some sort of lather from this. The brush had a decent soak, but I flicked most of the water out before loading. Tried bowl and face lathering but regardless of how much soap or water in the mix it dissipated halfway through the pass. With all these devoted fans it can't be the soap (despite the reputation) so what's the trick?

Seems like Mantic has done all the forum trawling for me. I think it's the blooming I left out.
This fella is good and really likes MWF

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