DE blades on Eurostar?

Not too far from LHR
I'm going to Rotterdam on the Eurostar from St Pancras. Obviously I won't be taking my straight razor! They are (of course) explicitly listed by name as being not allowed as you'd rightly expect. Interestingly, small penknives that meet UK carry rules are permitted (no lock, sub 75mm, manual opening).

No mention on the website about DE blades though.

To me, DE blades should be OK as they're smaller than permitted penknives and pretty hard to use as a weapon as well as having legit use in your wash bag.

Has anyone had experience with taking shave gear on Eurostar? Obviously one option is to take the razor and buy a tuck of blades on arrival but I have loads here and it'll be less hassle to just chuck 2 in my wash bag, unless this is going to get me in trouble at security. I'm pragmatic and sensible, not bloody-minded. Tried asking Eurostar to clarify but they want your booking number, dates, full name, email, blood group, genealogy, inside leg measurement etc just to ask the question. That seems like a way to be met by some truncheon wielding jobsworth on arrival, so I thought I'd ask here, and if in doubt I'll just buy blades over there and leave them behind.
I don't have personal experience of this but if I was in your lucky shoes I think I would carry an empty razor and a pack of blades away from the razor, sealed etc.
I’d pack a couple of decent disposables as a plan B.
If you’re really keen on taking DE blades I’d take a sealed hard plastic tuck. It might present itself better to customs than a cardoard box and you might be able to bullshit you're way into keeping them. If they get confiscated I would go straight to plan B.

Assuming your on a short break / holiday you probably don’t need the added hassle of chasing down razor blades.
Even if you find some, they might be shite and in any case you can’t bring them back. So you’ll have wasted a few quid and lost two packs of blades for the trouble.
I would pack the DE razor and take no blades; if you have DE blades and a razor then there may be an excuse for customs/border security to confiscate your hardware. It should be easy to buy DE blades from a chemist/supermarket; you may get the chance to try something new. If you can't get DE blades them carts should be easy to get :). Hope you have a good time.
I travel regular with flights but can’t see it being much of a different from Eurostar.
For me everything goes in the hold,
purely because i don’t want the hassle.
i don’t know for sure but i reckon DE blades will be on the banned list.
i have checked probably like most people on here and can’t seem to find it.
Personally i would risk it
what’s a tuck of blades if you were to loose them
worth the risk

British Airways allows razor blades to be put in luggage in hold. Guess all the other travel will be the same.

I think your fine to carry in luggage although I would not. Disposal or buy blades when you arrive. Can't be bothered with being flagged at X Ray so that is a reason not to put in bag. Just be invisible and get through without trouble and go to coffee shop or bar. I hate customs and immigration although always gone straight through by trying not to be of interest.

So it's your choice.
Think the X-Ray may fined DE razor in which case might as well but blades in as well. Hum. What to do..
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Yeah I know if I was flying I would check them in as hold baggage. Thing is, I don't think that's a thing on trains - you have access to your bags all the time in theory so the rules would be as per cabin bags rather than checked hold baggage. I think I'll just dig out a couple of old Mach 3s I have lurking, but might pack my Tech as well and see if I can just buy a tuck when I get there if I can be bothered. I mean, I can still use decent soap and brush etc with a Mach 3 and one cartridge will do for the whole week.
I would say you are highly unlikely to have an issue with a tuck travelling from St Pancras. I regularly work inside and honestly I'd say it's pretty light touch compared to travel from the airport's (I also work at all London airport's).

As to if they are allowed I'm afraid I can't say for certain but I was surprised to find out recently that it's actually legal to fly with a Spyderco Bug knife.

Based on this I can't really see a sealed pack of razor blades presenting a major problem.
Cheers for the reply. I went with a Mach 3 cart in the end... might have been just as well, the security dude was having a bad day, or is just a stress case. But yeah, UK legal carry knives are allowed so I probably could have taken my Tech and a couple of Nacets. Ah well.
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