De Vergulde Hand

Paul L

Chief GOW
Looking to pick some up but only found it on eBay, with postage costing more than the soap.
Any recommendations where to buy it in the UK ?

Good idea James, thank you.

If there are any members located in The Netherlands who would be willing to help me out please get in touch.

Many thanks
A city break in Amsterdam is always a good idea. :p

I wish I had enough annual leave spare.
I have been promising the Mrs for years I'll take her to Noordwijk to see the tulip fields some day.
I spent a season there as a much younger man, picking tulip bulbs.
Those were the days. . . . . . .
Why so eager? (I binned my De Vergulde Hand now I am starting to think maybe I gave up too fast :))
You certainly did! One of a very few soaps I will replace when it's gone. (Tabac and Faena Mastic are the other two).
It punches well above its price tag and I like the rather classical scent.
My findings: lather - good, post shave - not impressed, scent - ouch, generic bathroom cleaner, maybe I should have given it the same treatment as Arko ie air in basement for a year.
A very workman like soap.
Doesn't smell of much and won't kiss you on the neck afterwards but it lathers easy, has decent slickness and rinses easily.

Costs €3 A bowl in Schipol.
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