Closed ***Ended*** Pass Around: Schick Adjustable Injector ***Ended***

The PAL Adjustable is Not a Gimmick Like the Schick Adjustable..The PAL ADJ is By Far the Best of the Two for Sure..That Said the Schick Adjustable Takes Twin Blades & that Changes the Plot..The Schick ADJ with a Twin Blade is a Great Shaver..Then Again..The PAL ADJ Offers a Deeper Lasting BBS Result..No Bones about that cause it Far More Aggressive but Smooth when Cranked Up..;)

The PAL ADJ is a Far More Efficient Razor than the Classic Cobra..By a Long Shot..:D

Lol every time I read an new reply on this thread I read this post and I keep thinking oooooo hurry up I gotta try this razor lol. You selling me the shaving dream with out even trying dam in lol. I've seriously got this and the floating head on alert searcher on ebay lol
The Schick adjustable arrived yesterday, thanks @wayne mattison . I'm finding it easy to use even in today's hungover state I managed a good shave with no Knicks.
I should be ready to move this on towards the end of the week if @Electrif could pm me his address. Will update when I've had a few more shaves. How long does a blade usually last most people when using a single edge?
5 four pass shaves with a Chinese Schick blade for me.

  1. riverrun
  2. ben139
  3. Nathan
  4. newbie
  5. p.b
  6. wayne mattison
  7. Honk
  8. Electrif
  9. Looney12345
  10. ajmw89
  11. Macaronus
  12. Mr Bigmem
The list is open.
Legend: Waiting, On the way to, Currently with, Completed
Razor has just been posted and is on its way to Electrif. Thank you Riverrun for the chance to try it out.
My usual razor is a mhule r41 and I'm after a razor to occasionally use when I don't want to concentrate too hard or risk getting nicked and the Schick adjustable certainly fits the bill but I'm not certain I want to go down the single edge route but you never know till you try it and there was nothing wrong with the shave I got at all.
To answer my own earlier question I got 4 shaves from the blade and attempted a fifth this morning but decided to switch razors after the first pass as it was starting to catch.
Thank you for the feedback, @Honk

  1. riverrun
  2. ben139
  3. Nathan
  4. newbie
  5. p.b
  6. wayne mattison
  7. Honk
  8. Electrif
  9. Looney12345
  10. ajmw89
  11. Macaronus
  12. Mr Bigmem
The list is open.
Legend: Waiting, On the way to, Currently with, Completed
The PAL Adjustable is Not a Gimmick Like the Schick Adjustable..The PAL ADJ is By Far the Best of the Two for Sure..That Said the Schick Adjustable Takes Twin Blades & that Changes the Plot..The Schick ADJ with a Twin Blade is a Great Shaver..Then Again..The PAL ADJ Offers a Deeper Lasting BBS Result..No Bones about that cause it Far More Aggressive but Smooth when Cranked Up..;)

The PAL ADJ is a Far More Efficient Razor than the Classic Cobra..By a Long Shot..:D


I had a PAL ADJ, it did not work for me. I found the adjustment mechanism very fiddly and not very robust....

It s a beauty though i loved the heft of that razor.

Sent from Mars
I had a PAL ADJ, it did not work for me. I found the adjustment mechanism very fiddly and not very robust....

It s a beauty though i loved the heft of that razor.

Sent from Mars
Yeah..I have this One Said Before But Hey..That Dial is Not the Adjustment Mechanism because Its All Inside the Handle Hidden form View..The Dial Throws People & Gets Looser as it Goes to the High Setting & May Feel Sorta Loose & that is Correct..:D

Yeah..I have this One Said Before But Hey..That Dial is Not the Adjustment Mechanism because Its All Inside the Handle Hidden form View..The Dial Throws People & Gets Looser as it Goes to the High Setting & May Feel Sorta Loose & that is Correct..:D


When i got mine it was super loose in low settings. I retighten it but i wasn't happy with the end result. As you say it gets loose in the high settings.

I am not saying it's a bad razor. Just that it didn't work great for me given my preferences. People should give it a try and make up their mind about it.

Sent from Mars
When i got mine it was super loose in low settings. I retighten it but i wasn't happy with the end result. As you say it gets loose in the high settings.

I am not saying it's a bad razor. Just that it didn't work great for me given my preferences. People should give it a try and make up their mind about it.

Sent from Mars
So how do you know when you've got the settings right other than having a shave. If the dial is not showing whats the real aggressiveness
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