Ever-Ready 100T Piggy Knot Swap

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
I love it when a plan comes together ...

Some years ago when the choice of knots was very limited, I used the screw-in Muhle STF knot to reknot a number of vintage handles. Vintage brushes do tend to be on the smaller size with their knots so the 21mm girth suited these vintage handles very well.

I put up this 100T for sale recently (on the left in the picture below) but nobody bit once the trio had been split up:


... but I'd kinda pulled the 100T anyway since I really love the handle. I love the handle and I love boars. Hmmm.

Last evening, a plan hatched ...

I have a Semogue 1250 which is very underused and to be frank I'd always pick the SOC before the 1250, but I do like the knot. The knot is labelled as their Best quality with 90% tops and comes in at a (vintage sized?) 22mm and is ring-collared. Can I pull the knot?

Not a chance - it's epoxied in there and not coming out!

So, with dubious skill and a handful of blunt tools I set about liberating the knot:


Sawed off and then cracked the remaining wooden ring with a chisel and cleaned up/cracked off the remaining set epoxy ... and popped into the 100T to test fit, which proved so perfect I don't need to glue it in and really don't want to pull it back out to reveal the mess underneath. You'll have to imagine.

Pictured here against the SOC for the purposes of reference:


... and happily rehomed into the Pig Pen greeted by a couple of Vulfix Coronets:


What's great here is that I love the handle and wanted to modernise it for today's use, which with the Muhle STF was a perfectly good plan those few years ago but today I prefer boars and really pleased to have restored a boar knot back into this handle, which is how it first came to me. Modern boar in a vintage handle. Bliss!

I'll ping @TobyC coz he keeps missing posts and he does love to see a piggy released back into the wild.
I love it when a plan comes together ...

Some years ago when the choice of knots was very limited, I used the screw-in Muhle STF knot to reknot a number of vintage handles. Vintage brushes do tend to be on the smaller size with their knots so the 21mm girth suited these vintage handles very well.

I put up this 100T for sale recently (on the left in the picture below) but nobody bit once the trio had been split up:


... but I'd kinda pulled the 100T anyway since I really love the handle. I love the handle and I love boars. Hmmm.

Last evening, a plan hatched ...

I have a Semogue 1250 which is very underused and to be frank I'd always pick the SOC before the 1250, but I do like the knot. The knot is labelled as their Best quality with 90% tops and comes in at a (vintage sized?) 22mm and is ring-collared. Can I pull the knot?

Not a chance - it's epoxied in there and not coming out!

So, with dubious skill and a handful of blunt tools I set about liberating the knot:


Sawed off and then cracked the remaining wooden ring with a chisel and cleaned up/cracked off the remaining set epoxy ... and popped into the 100T to test fit, which proved so perfect I don't need to glue it in and really don't want to pull it back out to reveal the mess underneath. You'll have to imagine.

Pictured here against the SOC for the purposes of reference:


... and happily rehomed into the Pig Pen greeted by a couple of Vulfix Coronets:


What's great here is that I love the handle and wanted to modernise it for today's use, which with the Muhle STF was a perfectly good plan those few years ago but today I prefer boars and really pleased to have restored a boar knot back into this handle, which is how it first came to me. Modern boar in a vintage handle. Bliss!

I'll ping @TobyC coz he keeps missing posts and he does love to see a piggy released back into the wild.
Cool, I robbed the boar from a Van Der Hagen brush the other day and put it in a 100T, to be seen soon in a SOTD pic. Had to open up the hole a bit. Lately it's cheaper to buy a brush and take the knot than it is to buy a bare knot!
I missed one stinking thread, geez.

I need to take pix,... tomorrow, I promise! ;) I think mine's a 200T.

Cool! I am pretty sure I've had a 200T which can also be found with a metal ring around the middle. I think mind was actually in such good condition that I couldn't bring myself to chop the badger knot off and so I sold it on (I don't like badger brushes at all).

Ah, no ... this was it and I can't find a picture of its base to check the catalogue number.


... the 200Ts can also have a metal ring, but it's a lot thinner.
This was a very dirty, beat up handle that's been in my junk parts for years, sanded it quite a bit to get it this good. It still has some brown crack lines that look kinda cool.
The knot came from a Van Der Hagen ugly green plastic handle that's also been in my junk parts for years. The knot felt great but it shed like crazy so I had chunked it in the parts pile. I took it out the other day to throw it away but decided to use it till it died, then after awhile it stopped shedding completely so I decided to keep the knot and ditch the handle.
This is my junk parts brush that cost me nothing.



Swish! @TobyC

The banded boar is presumably a straight replacement for the original knot. I also love that cracking in the lighter part of the handle.

Yeah, you've prompted me to hit a few of mine with the old polish - I was a dab-hand at car detailing as my all-encompassing hobby prior to finding vintage face scrapers. Modern nano polishes (I say "modern" but the concept is now a good decade or more embedded) make for a much easier experience than the diminishing polishes. Looking back up the post, my 100T could do with a buzz over on the darker part particularly.


Any more 100s? 200s? anyone?
Swish! @TobyC

The banded boar is presumably a straight replacement for the original knot. I also love that cracking in the lighter part of the handle.

Yeah, you've prompted me to hit a few of mine with the old polish - I was a dab-hand at car detailing as my all-encompassing hobby prior to finding vintage face scrapers. Modern nano polishes (I say "modern" but the concept is now a good decade or more embedded) make for a much easier experience than the diminishing polishes. Looking back up the post, my 100T could do with a buzz over on the darker part particularly.


Any more 100s? 200s? anyone?
That was just an 800 grit wet sand, got tired of fiddling with it and called it good enough.
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