Gillette Contour

I have three different styles of metal Gillette Contours. I have a few more metal Contours/Atra's and lots of plastic handled versions. I have 2 to 3 elite luxury versions too.

I added another Metal Contour last week.
Are there any other known styles?

Hello Sabre, are they any good; are they comparable to the Sensor; can you still get them; are cartridges still sold separately or is it merely a collector's item?
And any differences between the Contour and the Contour plus - apologies for so many questions.
They are great. They were the Gillette razor before the Sensor. They are available as the Vector, and blades are still available as Gillette Contour and Wilkinson Sword Contact. The Contour Plus has a lubra strip.
Sound s good. I can remember now why I went for the Sensor originally and that was because there was a major marketing campaign where Sensor razors were actually hand delivered to your front door in a bag and attached to your door handle for free. Gillette were obviously confident that once tried they would be taken up, as they definitely were with me; used them until I simply could not get them any more.
Will have to try out the Contour!
I have a metal Contour handle that I’d sell if anyone’s interested. T’was my daily shaver bank in my bank days before I got a wooden handle Sensor from TOBS back in ‘02 if I remember rightly. Great condition and there’s a few blades I think.
It was originally called the Atra in 1977 when introd. I bought one in 1980 and promptly received the worst shaving cut of my life with one on one temple. I had used a Trac II before. I hated the Atra and the pivoting head contributed to ingrown hairs IMO. Never had those with a Trac II that I can recall in retrospect. :unsure:
I have a metal Contour handle that I’d sell if anyone’s interested. T’was my daily shaver bank in my bank days before I got a wooden handle Sensor from TOBS back in ‘02 if I remember rightly. Great condition and there’s a few blades I think.
Do you still use your Sensor handle Gairdner and if so with which cartridges?
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