Good morning Shaving

Hello hirsute fellows. I may be your first female member, and hope I'm not intruding. I don't know a lot about shaving from first hand experience, but I do know a bit about soap, as I 'make it myself at home'.
I have been reading here for a while, and find the soap thread in particular very interesting. I am always interested to hear what qualities people want in their soaps.
I make shaving soap (as well as ordinary bar soaps), using all vegetable oils, with no synthetic colour or scent. I use various clays and vegetable based ingredients for colour and essential oils for scent. Mainly I put my shaving soap in stainless steel bowls (no lid I'm afraid) containing 200g, but have also started to make round 3" diameter slices, 1" thick which I hope will fit into some of the more common shaving bowls. I add bentonite and other clays as well as silk for added razor slip. In my experience, many people with sensitive skin and eczema find that using natural soaps not containing the chemical overload found in many mainstream soaps is helpful.
It is certainly possible to get a good lather and a hard long lasting soap, without the use of either chemicals or tallow.
Hello and welcome I look forward to trying your soaps out. Post you're soaps in the Vendor's B/S/T and I'm sure that you will get some orders from us lot on here.

Hirsute moi?


You are very welcome.

A liberal sprinkling of samples would go down well with the gannet guinea pig squadron. ;)

You can post your'e wares in the vendor B/S/T.
Yes, please post a link to a website or give us more details of your soap. I think most of us here are keen to find good quality shaving soap that is made in the UK! :D
Hi folks,
Thank you for your warm welcome. I will try to get some pics of my wares posted on the appropriate place before I go on hols later this week; if I don't get time to do so, then it will be late Sept/ early Oct.
Thanks again.....but I can take no responsibility for keeping you in order. As for Antdad; as one of the lucky winners of free defective soap, if that's the real you in the picture you've posted above, it will surely be the ultimate test for my humble offerings.
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