Hello from Derby

Hi everyone.

I've been shaving with a straight razor for a month now and have begun to look forward to my daily routine. I looked into using a cut throat for a few months before finally going for it. I got myself a Thiers Issard starter kit from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thiers-issard.co.uk/starterkit.html">http://www.thiers-issard.co.uk/starterkit.html</a><!-- m -->. Maybe not the wisest choice cost wise but I'd just got my bonus so hey ho.
The blade is quite good and I'm getting a good close shave with very few nicks. Only suffered two cuts so far and both were gained during my first shave (cheek, fair enough, EAR!, what the hell's gone on there!). The brush is ok but I'd love one with a longer handle so may have to look into making one as I can't find one I like. The soap I thought was ok but I was bought another one by my other half that smells better and seems to produce a much better lather so I kinda ditched the original.
I'm amazed at the sense of peace and "wellness" I get from shaving these days. Ive always hated shaving as I have sensitive skin but I don't suffer razor burn or bumps at all nowadays. I also find that when I'm stressed and my mind is buzzing nothing calms it down quicker than a shave. I guess nothing calms the mind as quickly as when your effectively rubbing the sharpest thing you own across your throat Hahaha.
Anyways, sorry for the huge post, just wanted to introduce myself and join in a bit.

Take care

Hi and welcome to TSR Ant! :D I think you did fine, with the TI kit, prob. even better than if you had bought a new TI cut throat (the one you bought are from a vintage blank).
Dear ant
Peace and wellness are the amazing by products of shaving that I never saw coming!
Nice one and welcome. Havn't had the courage for a straight yet!
Welcome to TSR Ant!

That looks like a great starter kit, I'm very tempted to get one myself. I'll have to save up though, after all the other shaving purchases I've made recently!
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