Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To Work I Go

Alright lads. I know some of you are men of faith and all of you are men of goodwill so I thought I'd say that on Wednesday I'm going back to work after three and a half months off. I've got quite mixed feelings about it, which I suppose is understandable. Anyway, thanks for all your support over the Summer and here goes . . . .

You continuing prayer and care would be much appreciated. Thanks, Ollie.
Good luck Ollie! :p I am sure that you will use your recent experience positively and will be all the better equipped to help people in a similar position. Goodness knows there are lots of them about... :?
Arriving a bit late here, but good luck Ollie. Nice to hear things are getting back to normal with you.

EDIT: How come you're back to work on Wednesday? I thought you minister chaps only worked on Sundays and had the rest of the week off :lol:
PaulH said:
EDIT: How come you're back to work on Wednesday? I thought you minister chaps only worked on Sundays and had the rest of the week off :lol:

I reckon Occupational Health have started Ollie back on a quiet day to him get back in to things slowly. Wednesdays are coffee mornings at the W.I. and if he's lucky the occasional Vicars & Tarts party. ;)
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