How I lather MWF and achieve a thicker lather

Nice! It's strange stuff, MWF; I've found success by deliberately following the same procedure you showed in a previous video for when you've accidentally left too much water in the brush. As the frothy stuff appears, I dump about half of it, and work the rest back onto the puck. As I work the lather on my face whilst adding water, I find it goes from dry, foamy and "rough" in appearance, through voluminous and frothy (at which point instinct says it's too wet), to finally reasonably dense and creamy; but that final transition seems to require more water, which, as I said, goes against all lathering principles. Normally a frothy lather only gets frothier and thinner with more water, but MWF actually seems to need more water and more mixing to get it to go smooth, glossy and creamy.
chrisbell said:
Nice! It's strange stuff, MWF; I've found success by deliberately following the same procedure you showed in a previous video for when you've accidentally left too much water in the brush. As the frothy stuff appears, I dump about half of it, and work the rest back onto the puck. As I work the lather on my face whilst adding water, I find it goes from dry, foamy and "rough" in appearance, through voluminous and frothy (at which point instinct says it's too wet), to finally reasonably dense and creamy; but that final transition seems to require more water, which, as I said, goes against all lathering principles. Normally a frothy lather only gets frothier and thinner with more water, but MWF actually seems to need more water and more mixing to get it to go smooth, glossy and creamy.

I'm going to have to try that.

Once I get the WSP boar brushes in, I'll make another video of how I do it the "quick & dirty" way. I don't feel comfortable demonstrating the technique on a "more delicate" badger brush.
I just get the brush, gie at a guid shake and get wired in aboot it. Works braw but then we have the Big Felly's own personal annointing water fair rolling doon the Pentland hills in ma wee corner o' fair Caledonia. After lathering cheap hand soap for years, what comes off the MWF is pure luxury and I almost feel guilty for spoiling myself so. Always make a mess with it though as I get carried away and the bathroom ends up like one o' yon foam parties. Lather flying aboot like champagne in the Welsh dressing room!
After the first couple of goes I've never had any trouble with MWF. The answer is to live in God's own county and preferably in spitting distance of Bradford and use proper Yorkshire water (...or you could try the Pentland hills version... YMMV). Run the tap, filter out the sheep shit and you're good to go (tha' knows!)
I was more than a little surprised at this thread - not getting good lather from MWF?? The stuff has always just burst into lather for me. I thought its popularity was due to the ease of lathering it as well as the richness of that lather. I have a water softener and wonder if the water you use makes all the difference as it does with most everything - coffee, tea, dhobi, shaving.
WiffWaff said:
After the first couple of goes I've never had any trouble with MWF. The answer is to live in God's own county and preferably in spitting distance of Bradford and use proper Yorkshire water (...or you could try the Pentland hills version... YMMV). Run the tap, filter out the sheep shit and you're good to go (tha' knows!)


Tykes & Jocks, eh? Allus been fond o' Yorkshire, tha knows.

Favourite cricket quote:

"Me old Granny could play better than 'im wi' t'stick o' t'rhubarb" - Sir Geoffrey Boycott, Emperor of Yorkshire.

There's your answer right there - if you're having difficulty lathering MWF, use a stick of rhubarb. :D
I'm an adopted Tyke really... but I have lived here (by choice) for 25+ years... so I think I may qualify.

Carl... dhobi... not heard that word for a very long time.
I thought he'd typed 'jobbie' at first and had to look again. I was wondering if the poor fella was having trouble with his movements - happens at a certain age, I'm told. :icon_eek:
It takes a fair bit more persuasion in hard water areas - in my experience. I've attacked MWF a number of ways, but I've now settled with soaking the puck with warm water, loading heavily with a shaken-dry brush, and face lathering patiently. Too much water to begin with and, while still usable, the lather's bubbly and dries out. It's one that I leave to my two-band and boars.
Burgundy said:
It takes a fair bit more persuasion in hard water areas - in my experience. I've attacked MWF a number of ways, but I've now settled with soaking the puck with warm water, loading heavily with a shaken-dry brush, and face lathering patiently. Too much water to begin with and, while still usable, the lather's bubbly and dries out. It's one that I leave to my two-band and boars.

+1,000,000. I know why Carl posted what he did - I'm aware that MWF lathers easily in soft (or softened) water (though I've never had the pleasure of doing so), but, in hard water like mine, it can be a bugger. When you get it right, it's great, but the way the frothy and seemingly wet (yet, paradoxically not wet enough as I alluded-to earlier) lather dries-out on the face is, as Burgundy said, problematic. It seems to need plenty of water added in small doses, and plenty of working on the face.
Re: RE: How I lather MWF and achieve a thicker lather

Gairdner said:
I just get the brush, gie at a guid shake and get wired in aboot it. Works braw but then we have the Big Felly's own personal annointing water fair rolling doon the Pentland hills in ma wee corner o' fair Caledonia. After lathering cheap hand soap for years, what comes off the MWF is pure luxury and I almost feel guilty for spoiling myself so. Always make a mess with it though as I get carried away and the bathroom ends up like one o' yon foam parties. Lather flying aboot like champagne in the Welsh dressing room!

So which is best then. The foul Granny's knickers Mitchells or the divine Ingrams?
And which lather best? :)
Excellent video!

Anyway, sometime ago I found that the easiest and fastest way to get a thick lather with MWF is using it like a stick, that is, passing it through your beard and then facelathering.

And I "transformed" my puck to use like that conveniently, hehe:


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