I hate digital

Being a photographic printer for 18 years

Any photograph can be destroyed by terrible printing be it colour, black and white or slides
At least with modern technology we have the ability to tweak our own pictures and enhance the quality

I see pluses for both sides of this subject
At the end of the day nothing is better it's all down to the person viewing it

Even bad pictures have captured that memory for someone
This is very true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that.

Technically, with film its the skill of the photographer to capture a latent image that is within the scope of the film emulsion, coupled with the skill of the print process to show that image at its very best. With Digital there is an ability to tweak and correct that is almost endless.

Thats one of the reasons i enjoy digital so much nowadays - i have memories still of trying to tell wedding photographers that , actually, its YOUR fault for not properly balancing and softening the ambient light with reflectors. Thats why the wedding dress is a washed out white blob with no detail to be seen......

I could probably still bore for England on the subject of reprocity failure in film emulsions, when trying to capture that sunset correctly. "yes i am aware the sky wasnt brown when you took the picture" :)

Imo film photography is very much like playing vinyl records - its lovely, but it has its own problems.
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