Items on eBay

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Jeltz said:
Smell The Glove said:
Do you remember the "Oh look what I had for my dinner" thread? :lol:

No I don't but it wasn't like this was it
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No. That's just the effect it had on me.
The last two posts make a thread like this the kinda thing which delights & amuses about TSR ! From serious comment to lighthearted chuckles ? Got to be good ! What's not to like.

Still giggling (albeit in a kinda senile cackle manner !).

JohnnyO. :lol:
This looks good. I'll probably bid on this myself but it might go above my budget.

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no you are right if someone is not interested in ebay they dont need to click this thread but if they are interested in ebay they can click on ebay rather than look at your dribble. Yes people list ebay stuff but not all day long and stuff that is not very interesting cause is common over pricing which goes on everyday. If all you are trying to do is boost your post number with common search criteria to link to your blog then you are doing well keep it up.
I am sure you will put a lot of people off traditinally shaving by many of your halfwitted suggestions.
Incorrect - as a moderator, I am obliged to, especially when directed to do so by multiple alerts from members.

You have a blog on which to post all of these interesting eBay items - where you have exclusive editorial control. You advertise it on the end of every message you post, those that want can go see it there. This is not carte blanche to advertise it here any further.
Bruceonshaving said:
pedro083 said:
If all you are trying to do is boost your post number with common search criteria to link to your blog then you are doing well keep it up.

You don't know how the internet works. Google really is not interested in multiple impressions of my signature. Because it doesn't see them.

pedro083 said:
I am sure you will put a lot of people off traditinally shaving by many of your halfwitted suggestions.

What halfwitted suggestions are these?

Well i tried to read your blog but found it uninteresting( this comes from someone who will spend all day reading shaving forums) but a couple o things from the first page i read if you give yourself a serious nick i would not use a styptic pencil or stuff it with paper as this will cause scarring. Also have you not got it yet that you are the only that recommends a light razor to start this makes it harder for the learner to get a good shave and more likely to give up. But this is my opinion and i wonder if i posted my comments all over your blog would you just leave them their. Oh also the height a knot is set at and shape will have a hell of a lot to do with how much backbone it has. Also would like to know how you can say a exspesize silvertip is no good foe MWF when you have never used one.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT :lol: :lol: chill out chaps..... ;)
Bruceonshaving said:
That you don't find my blog interesting is of no consequence. I have been showered with compliments from many other people, lots of people are coming back regularly and lots of people are taking the RSS feed. Considering it isn't even a month old it is doing very well indeed. If you think you can do better then why don't you start a blog with daily articles about shaving? I could do with the entertainment.

Bruce, there seems to be no other way to say this so I will be absolutely candid.

I was absolutely appalled at your decision to publish a pm - which was perfectly restrained, I thought - from a moderator last evening. It was meant as a gentle reminder of TSR founding principles and you chose to try to embarrass HM.

I find your behaviour towards others on this forum to be both boorish and boring and not what ought to be expected amongst friends. In short it's not gentlemanly; I do believe that I am not alone in holding this view.

I look forward to seeing how your blog develops, perhaps you should devote more time to it.
Pedro...while I've caught you in the mood. Could you post or PM me the details of the income/clicks that is generated by Brucey's blog.
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