Lime based scents?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Any recommendations for lime based scents?

Guerlain Homme?
Floris Limes?

Anything else which comes to mind.

Just not CF which comes over as rather artificial to me

Thanks in advance you super people
4711 have a lime variant. There's Pinaud Lime Sec, which is cologne strength. Lime features amongst Turkish cologne sprays a fair bit. Trumper's Lime? TOBS 74 Victorian Lime? T&H West Indian Limes? Royall Lyme? Amouage Bahjah is pure lime and moss if you want to spend a wedge!
Thanks so much chaps for your suggestions. I am intrigued by the Jack's and so written if they could send a sample.

Looks like Bahjah is pretty difficult to find for sale

In general I am after something with more of a drift of lime than an out and right single theme.
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4711 have a lime variant. There's Pinaud Lime Sec, which is cologne strength...

Trumpers is nice but lasts all of 10 seconds before the scent vanishes... Both T&H West Indian Limes and TOBS Victorian Limes last all day.

Pinaud Lime Sec lasts about nine seconds. Even the Old Spice Lime "died" quickly and morphed into plain Old Spice. Citrus scents usually overall really don't last as long on the whole as say woodsy/spicy and floral scents. I cannot comment on T&H West Indian Limes or TOBS Victorian Limes as I have never used either one.
Lime is kinda sweet and a bit, well, flat ... it's often accompanied by bergamot for the real high-notes or bitter orange for that real citrus twist (like in a Dark Limes or a Citrus Musk). I does need something deep and bassy, too, like oakmoss or a musk; juniper, too.

I think your Floris suggestion at the top was probably about bob-on. That, or No.74.

Is Aramis Tuscany still for sale?
Stuck my neck on the line and went with the Laboratory Perfumes Gorse. Couldn't have chosen better.

I was a bit edgy about the 'coconut' side which is quite prominent but not a sickly sweet coconut aroma, more a subtle almost dry air about it. The lime really bounces initially and then becomes secondary but then drifts in and out for the next few hours. Overall longevity is good and my general feeling is that this is going to really shine in the warmer months.

Absolutely superb and a top scent with a touch of 'different' about it. May be not for everyone as it very unisex and not overly masculine but very much down my perfume street.
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