Marrow anyone?

Friday July 10, 2009
No, not the gooey stuff you get from bones Cheese Dave, but the overgrown courgettes that nobody finds particularly interesting to cook with. This week I have cooked two marrow recipes from Nigel Slater's Tender Vol. 1 and both were delicious. The best one was this evening and has the imaginative title 'Baked marrow, minced pork':

Serves 2

for the marrow
young marrow or large courgette - 750g
garlic - two cloves, crushed
mint leaves - a handful
olive oil
the juice of half a lemon

for the pork
dill - a small handful
parsley - a small bunch
garlic - a couple of cloves
red chillies - 2 small, hot
olive oil
minced pork - 450g
the grated zest and juice of a lime

Halve the marrow and remove the seeds and fibre. I peel it only if the skin is particularly thick. Cut the flesh into thick chunks and toss in a roasting tin with the crushed garlic, mint leaves, a couple of generous glugs of olive oil and the lemon juice. Set aside for an hour.

Set the oven at 180C/Gas 4. Bake the marrow for forty five minutes or so, till soft and tender. Roughly chop the dill and its stalks, the parsley leaves and the garlic. Finely chop the chillies, removing the seeds if you like a milder effect.

To cook the pork, get a couple of tablespoons of olive oil smoking hot in a shallow pan, then add the meat. At this point I don't turn or stir it, however tempting, till the underside has had a chance to colour and crisp. [this is important. It took a while to get it dark and crispy but be patient, it's worth it] Turn when you can to brown the other side. Add the dill parsley, garlic and chilli. Let the mixture cook over a high heat till all is fragrant, sizzling and golden. Season generously with salt and pepper, then stir in the lime juice and zest. Serve mixed with the baked marrow.

I do hope you try this when a marrow comes your way. Not the most attractive dish to look at, but veeery tasty. Oh, and I poured natural yogurt over it once served which made it even tastier.
It is a miserable vegetable. I think Slater has done this to illustrate that you can make pretty much anything taste good given enough garlic, chilli and meat. He's good, I'll give him that, but my God he creeps me out. He just has "sex pest" written all over him.

Still, if you've got marrows kicking around, then why the hell not!
I like marrow in moderation. And why not use it if you have one? I'm sure the recipe would work either on its own or with another vegetable such as courgette or aubergine, but marinating the marrow makes it very tasty and the flavours work really well together.
Canuck said:
He's good, I'll give him that, but my God he creeps me out. He just has "sex pest" written all over him.

I see what you mean...

Canuck said:
It is a miserable vegetable. I think Slater has done this to illustrate that you can make pretty much anything taste good given enough garlic, chilli and meat. He's good, I'll give him that, but my God he creeps me out. He just has "sex pest" written all over him.

Still, if you've got marrows kicking around, then why the hell not!

Supposedly, he's gay.
Trust him to put an oversized courgette to good use then...irrespective of his sexuality I like some of his recipes but can't bear his presenting style when I've seen him on the box. He is as has been said a bit creepy.
I'ld never heard of Nigel Slater until I read this. Had to go You Tube him. His face reminds me a lot of Elton John. Hats off to him I say if he can make marrow edible.:icon_biggrin:
soapalchemist said:
I'ld never heard of Nigel Slater until I read this. Had to go You Tube him. His face reminds me a lot of Elton John. Hats off to him I say if he can make marrow edible.:icon_biggrin:

Yes he does look a bit like Elton. He's been a food writer for many years with occasional TV spots. His recipes are generally very good - simple and tasty, just like me :angel:
I had a browse through Sophie Grigson's vegetable cookbook recently - her enthusiasm knows no bounds and she waxes lyrical about the most unpromising ingredients. Except for marrows: couldn't find a good word to say for them. And having been force fed with stuffed marrow as a kid, nor can I.
Look it's obvious nobody at all appreciates the time, care and effort I put in to typing out that gorgeous marrow recipe. :mad:

If I don't get a positive comment soon I shall be forced to tell you all about my fabulous Okra Souffle. :icon_twisted:
Christ. Um. Lovely recipe that, Pig Cat.

Marrow's one of those vegetables - like courgettes, in fact - that I will eat if put in front of me but would never order or prepare myself, unless perhaps it turned up in one of those organic vegetable boxes and I was feeling completist about it.
Organic vegetable boxes. I've tried two different providers now, and it just doesn't work for me.I want to choose what I buy, not have a load of stuff I have no use for dumped on me. The first one I tried had a big thing about red onions and red cabbage. Week in, bloomin' week out. Still, it could have been worse; at least they never sent a marrow.
Great recipe PC, sounds absolutely worth typing out.:icon_confused:
Seriously, I may try it if we get our usual courgette turned into monster overnight problem. Although, that may not happen this year, as they have almost all, for the first time ever, been afflicted with inexplicable and incurable end rot.
Pig Cat said:
Look it's obvious nobody at all appreciates the time, care and effort I put in to typing out that gorgeous marrow recipe. :mad:

If I don't get a positive comment soon I shall be forced to tell you all about my fabulous Okra Souffle. :icon_twisted:

I appreciate your situation PC and empathize totally. It's sad when all these bums can do is knock whatever the hell that stuff is. I don't believe that's allowed here in the States, since it would probably be classified as a harmful weed.

You were right to threaten everyone with that Souffle. It sounds positively awful, and I've had something similar in the past. Yeah, years ago when I was married, my wife decided she was gonna become a vegetarian. That meant she'd make all sorts of meatless crap...even for dinner! Sheesh. Lots of times I'd stop for a hot dog on the way home for 'dinner'.

If me and the kids were especially unlucky, 'dinner' would be a salad and a big serving of Zuchinni Souffle. That time period lasted two whole years. Feh.

Just wanted you to know there's someone on your side,

A marrow smoothie should calm him down.

I actually like zuchinni, you just need to get out to the patch more often or just say no to the friend who's offerring because he or she ain't no friend.
Pig Cat said:
Look it's obvious nobody at all appreciates the time, care and effort I put in to typing out that gorgeous marrow recipe. :mad:

If I don't get a positive comment soon I shall be forced to tell you all about my fabulous Okra Souffle. :icon_twisted:

I love marrow.

As soon as she gets up. I'll put my order in.
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