Mental Health Awareness

I'm not at all suggesting that anyone should take magic mushrooms but study's have been shown that they offer great relief from depression.
I can confirm that for myself at least the consumption of a fairly high dose of around 150-200 mushrooms can help help reduce the worst effects of depression and they do not need to be taken every day, once or twice a month seems to be enough.
I once had to go out in the autumn and pick as many as I could find and then dry them however, with a search on the internet you can now buy such things.
It may not work for everyone but it offers great relief for many.
What you do with this information is totally up to you!

Be well,

Just the thought of psychedelics scares me. I know a couple of guys, one is very self-assured and has tried all sort of things over the years and can always compartmentalise it as 'just an experience' while the other took some acid once and was not quite sure what was real and what was not for several days afterwards. I know mushrooms aren't acid but I have a real dread that if I ever did anything like that I might not find my way back to myself afterwards. YMMV (your mushrooms may vary!)

Very interesting.
Absolutely, they won't be for everyone, the best thing to do if you are unsure is to start off with a very low dose and see how you go and then step the dose up until you reach the most effective high dose I was talking about, the effects are not as intense as acid or as long lived but some people have found great relief from really crippling depression.


150-200 mushrooms, I used to do about 30-40 and be tripping big time. Could not imagine doing 150.
150-200 mushrooms, I used to do about 30-40 and be tripping big time. Could not imagine doing 150.
150-200 is a very high dose and is for the treatment of extreme clinical depression, it is true that a much lower dose will have you tripping but it may not be enough to elevate extreme depression.
I don't use these mushrooms for the perpose of a pleasant trip, only for my mental wellness.
Once or twice a month seems to be enough for me and only under controlled conditions.

never heard of this 5-htp, googled it and seems like some amino acid

thats why i didnt take st johns wort as its could potentially conflict with meds
just curious as i know nothing about magic mushrooms
does it get you high like classs a drugs or more like a mellow high like weed?

well i say a mellow high with weed but the crap they put in it these days is next level and not exactly mellow lol

suppose what i mean is, what sort of high is it?
yea i got way too much paranoia as it is f*** knows what mushrooms or whatever will do to me lol
150-200 mushrooms, I used to do about 30-40 and be tripping big time. Could not imagine doing 150.
how did you feel when you were high on them?

how do you consume magic mushrooms? just eating them?

swear i saw mike tyson on a podcast knocking down so many lol
you not worried you going to get addicted to them?
I have long found it difficult to quickly get to sleep, simply because i don't relax easily.

Have tried the readily available sleep aids, which work, but some years back i tried the old suggestion of a large glass of warmed milk and it really works. Its a subtle thing, but it definitely seems to relax and bring on sleep and you dont wake up with a thick head either.
you not worried you going to get addicted to them?
You cannot get physically addicted to them and the high experienced is nothing like weed, you may experience a feeling of otherworldliness that in itself is not unpleasant but is not for everyone, the "trip" can last for up to six hours but the intense feeling will wear off within two to three hours.
If you are prone to feeling paranoid after taking weed then I would suggest that you do not try mushrooms or any other similar substance.
As I've said, this is not for everyone, caution must be observed!!!
Please note, I don't take these for fun or kicks, I use them instead of mainstream pharmaceuticals to treat the depression I get as part of my bipolar disorder.

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